Füm Reviews

Füm Reviews

Elmer M.
This bundle is my favorite because the flavors are the perfect balance of flavor and intensity.
Original Cores Bundle
Penni K.
Love the taste. It really does help. Thanks, Penni
Spearmint Ice Cores
Laurie H.
My favorite
Black Licorice Cores
Robert D.
I really dislike this product. I bought three separate flavors and frankly, they all have the same underlying unusual taste which made me extremely nauseous. I would never recommend this product. Sorry for the bad review
The Journey Pack
undefined review of The Journey Pack image 1 out of 1
Jeffrey R.
New year, new me.
The Journey Pack
Neftali M.
Really unexpectedly useful. Hits you with the flavor that makes you crave it.
FÜM Prominent
Marne C.
This product literally made me sick. It tasted like straight chemicals. It gave me headaches. I wrote an email trying to see if I could get a refund because of the problem that it caused and I never got any response. This is not like a five dollar product it was very expensive. It would’ve been nice if somebody even responded to my email I sent.
The Journey Pack
Kandys T.
No one is a like so sometimes something will work for one but not for another so in my opinion fum is not for me. I tried it for two weeks and I just wasn’t taking to it but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good product or it won’t work for someone else.
The Journey Pack
Dan L.
It's amazing looking!
Maple Pepper Cores
Sandra F.
Really enjoy the “hit” of the crisp mint.
Crisp Mint Cores
Robert W.
Crisp Mint Cores
Cheryl D.
So far the citrus cores leave a burning sensation in the back of my throat, the mint cores are bad, the maple pepper core leaves a burning sensation in the back of my throat. Maybe find a different flavored cores that doesn't leave a burning sensation in the back of the throat. This is just my experience so far.
The Journey Pack
Tia C.
your photo add-on doesn't work😔
Crisp Mint Cores
Fran B.
The actual simple device (made of wood and metal) is overpriced as hell -(except Mint) All core flavors just taste like straight clove. Barely any smell or flavor besides clove or pepper and it’s strong. But the other flavors that are supposed to be there, like grapefruit, orange, cranberry, and others, are barely noticeable. I mean BARELY, and in some cores, not noticeable at all. Mint is the only flavor worth buying. It just smells and tastes and feels like mint and that’s it. Work on the p...
The Journey Pack
Philip M.
I wanted to like this, I really did. I've tried every flavor and the only one that even remotely did anything for me was the Crisp Mint. Crisp Mint was the only one I could actually feel in my throat. All the other flavors just make me think I'm sucking on a cheap gas station air freshener. If you're hoping that this will give you the lung hit like an ecig, it doesn't. Breath in, feel nothing, exhale, taste air freshener. It's just not for me. I will not be ordering more.
The Journey Pack
Kristen A.
This is my 2nd favorite core, after crisp mint because it has a kick, and starts to taste like big red cinnamon gum after the first 8 hrs. Lol.
Maple Pepper Cores
Ashley L.
Unfortunately I haven't found this very helpful and feel like I threw away 100 bucks. The flavors they have aren't very good, and when I use the fidgeting piece of it, it's so loud that I annoy everyone around me. They claim the flavor sticks last for 3 days but they only last about a day and a half for me. Overall I'm just really disappointed.
The Journey Pack
Sharath S.
Great product. Highly recommend it
Crisp Mint Cores
Aaron F.
Device works well enough. Functions as described. Most of the flavors taste bad/bland, my friends and I only really like Maple Pepper and Crisp Mint. The White Cranberry tastes a lot like the way powdered dish soap smells, and the Orange Vanilla has an aftertaste reminiscent to the aroma of spray paint. Better flavors would help to make this a very solid product.
The Journey Pack
Regina M.
I think the concept is great but I feel like its too expensive and the flavors have a terrible after taste so I believe there is a great area of improvement there… I felt like if I was drinking DoTerra drops
The Journey Pack
Valerie M.
Didn’t help me at all if the flavors actually tasted like advertised then they might work but nothing tastes like it says it does. Wish I could get my money back. Had hope and was very disappointed.
The Journey Pack
Julie D.
I'm not a fan of this device. The oils are a bit harsh, next to almost no true flavor. It's a chore to force myself to use it. I've given it plenty of time. But I'm not succeeding.
The Journey Pack
Karn P.
i thought there would be more of an intense flavour and difference in the flavours but really they all just taste like mixed herb oil..it is fun to play with in your hand but at the price it is it really is nothing more than a distraction with your hands. everyone’s different so i’m sure some people love it..for me it’s just a very expensive twirl stick 🤷🏽‍♂️
The Journey Pack
James G.
Great product but I ordered cores twice and both times they never got delivered. Customer service was accommodating and gave me store credit but unfortunately I have never been able to receive my refills.
Crisp Mint Cores
Axel D.
Honestly a waste of money, I thought it was going to help but I’d rather just use a straw. Then pay almost 100$ for flavors to taste like laundry detergent. Threw it away the first day.
The Journey Pack
Amelia B.
All the flavors tasted the same, really bad. I used the maple pepper core first so maybe that's why they all tasted the same after that. The maple pepper is really strong and not in a good way. Despite having a strong negative smell/flavor, the flavors are pretty weak and not nearly as good as something like ripple. I feel like I got scammed into buying an air straw.
The Journey Pack
Jharice B.
I got fum to help me kick some bad habits. It is useless in my opinion. It's like inhaling the vapor of a can of La Croix with the same amount of 'flavor.' If you like tasting something that is like the barest memory of what citrus should taste like, then this is for you. A complete waste of money and I deeply regret buying this.
The Journey Pack
Axel K.
The flavour is way too weak and some just taste putrid to the point I put it away and stopped really using it (however the mint was a pleasant taste just too weak). Also the smell is overwhelming as I leave it on my desk it makes my room smell of the oils from all the pouches. I haven't kicked my habit of picking at my fingers after a month of use as I couldn't use it anymore and had to pack it away. For the cost I am quite underwhelmed and unhappy with the product.
The Journey Pack
Chriss D.
I love the actual pipe, it's got a nice heft and feel to it, and I *love* the clicky spinner part. Mechanically it's a great product. However, the major issue I had were the flavors I got. Specifically the fruit ones and the maple pepper. Each one sadly had this off putting taste and flavor. As my partner put it, it reminded him of a urinal cake. They did leave an unpleasant taste in my mouth after trying each out in the pipe. The mint one is actually *really* good, which is why I was disappo...
The Journey Pack
Paul S.
It's really good. As it says, the good habit.
The Journey Pack
Adam W.
To start, I revived the wrong cover when it was delivered (the wood piece). Next the flavor cores barely last a full 24 hrs. The only ones that have any decent and actual flavor or the mint and maple pepper. And overall, does not provide the satisfaction I need.
The Journey Pack
Kevin M.
I actually would like my money back. All of the flavors have a hint of menthol taste. This was not described in the details and would have saved me some money if it had been:(
The Journey Pack
Brandon B.
It's... not great. The flavors are pretty mid, and they're all kinda the same. When I hear pepper and maple, I expect those two things. When I heat grapefruit, I expect citrus. These are kinda all like cloves? The fruit ones don't taste like fruit. The mint one tastes like mint which is nice, but overall this thing is NOT worth 100 dollars.
The Journey Pack
Preston S.
The workmanship is quality, on the Füm device. Not certain it is worth the price they ask but it is quality. The drawback is the “flavors” or scents leave much to be desired. Most of the flavors are barely discernible from each other and thats if you can taste at all. Think flavored sparkling water except you are only breathing the air around it. Crisp mint has a strong enough menthol feel to be usable and helped provide enough sensation for the mental crutch. Maple pepper tastes like neither an...
The Journey Pack
Brendon W.
Unfortunately, I'm not that into it. That being said, it is a very well made product! I like having it around and hope to become more engaged with it. It's very clear that this is made with integrity and I support that 100%
The Journey Pack
Clayton C.
I think it's fantastic however, I think the only part I have a very rough time without having a throat hit. The only flavor I really love is the mint.
The Journey Pack
William L.
I've been pretty disappointed with FUM in general. The cores don't have much flavor. They dry out quickly and easily even after putting them in a separate airtight container. And some of them just are straight up nasty. I gave up on it. I respect what you're trying to do but I do not care for this.
Citrus Cores Bundle
Alexander S.
The base is a wonderful addition. Easy as *boop* and it sits there until I want it again.
FÜM Base
Matthew H.
It's a good idea, and I can see it being a good product for most people, but I can't stand any of the flavors. I guess I'll be waiting hopefully for some different flavors.
The Journey Pack
Joseph W.
Great product and ex!
Crisp Mint Cores
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