2ONE Reviews

2ONE Reviews

Damian K.Verified
Always order a few days in advance and get my 10 cans a lot cheaper than trying to hunt local stores for them.
Daniel T.Verified
The flavors are great! I just would like a choice of a lower mg of nicotine like a 4 or a 6 that’s why I only gave a 4 star rating.
2ONE Sample Pack
Abraham C.Verified
Went from smoking to vaping to pouches after the ol' lady didn't care for the strawberry flavored clouds in the house. This product makes zyn look like the kid version of pouches with 8mg. Unlike zyn as well, you get a burst of flavor immediately without having to wet the pallet. Plus the hassle free checkout online and no more visits to the gas station for nicotine? Say less. I'll continue to buy this stuff for as long as I can, and would recommend for anyone tryna not smell like an ash tray or...
Clint H.Verified
I only got one can instead of the 2 packs of 5. That was pretty disappointing. When I paid for 2 packs of 5…
Chewy Watermelon
Patrick D.Verified
The glacier mint wasn’t bad at all. If you are a mint type person for pouches, then I would recommend one log of glacier mint and one log of wintergreen. Switching back and forth gives it a nice balance. Bonus: the glacier mint will give you some nice fresh breath for quite some time!
Glacier Mint
Andy K.Verified
Best alternative to snuff I've found yet. The sampler is an affordable way to try them all and see what you like.
2ONE Sample Pack
Nathan T.Verified
I love the new flavor, it has a roughness to it that pairs well with black morning coffee. I am very disappointed in the first mylar package that I used. Opening it went fine, but the seal felt tight. This morning when I opened it the seal ripped from one side of the package. As much as the company will hate it, those 2One Mocha Java pouches are now in an old Zyn container (coffee).
Mylar Pouches
John W.Verified
Service and delivery are exceptional, i tried the glacier mint and wintergreen, both are good but I always lean towards the wintergreen. What I like about both is that they are not sweet iv been trying to find the perfect pouch to be honest I don't believe there's one out there yet, but your close. I am dismayed that they are not made in the USA kinda that way with all pouches. I will order again and probably reorder the same but add the coffee pouch. I don't have a problem if you made a 10 o...
Glacier Mint
Tim M.Verified
Shipping was great, but the best thing is just the fact that you can order the product online and not drive all over the place trying to find a store that's got what you're looking for. The flavor is good, but do wish they had a little more of that nicotine bite. I will be ordering more!
Patrick M.Verified
I really like them. So far Wintergreen seems to be the best flavor for me. Wish the flavor lasted longer. I am using only one or two per day, so they sure keep the nicotine urge away. I quit vaping 12/20/24 and have not felt the need to start again.
2ONE Sample Pack
Keith F.Verified
Only tried two of the 6 flavors so far. Watermelon taste like a jolly rancher. So far my favorite. The glacial mint is so minty it almost burns. I quit smoking 8 years ago and one of these little babies gives me the head rush I got when I first started smoking when I was a young man. Miss that feeling. When golfing with the boys we enjoyed them as opposed to smelling smoke while we played. So much better. I will be trying the others and a I am excited to do so.
2ONE Sample Pack
Christopher G.Verified
Good product, appreciate the moistness and burn. Cannot have it in too long because of the burn though. Has a lot of nicotine for if you need a quick rush.
2ONE Sample Pack
Shane B.Verified
I enjoy the pouches. I'm not too big on flavored pouches, but these aren't too overwhelming and include a Naked option. Also, it doesn't cause issues with my gums like some other brands do. Overall, a great value and product.
2ONE Sample Pack
Ian W.Verified
Not a big fan of the watermelon, but then again I’ve never been a fan of artificial watermelon as a flavor. I really liked the berry, citrus is dope, wintergreen is as good expected, naked is interesting, and I’ve always liked the mint.
2ONE Sample Pack
David G.Verified
The peppermint flavor is pretty good and lasts a while. I really like how soft the pouches are some of the other brands the pouches are rough and have sharp corners that dig at your gums. But 20ne pouches are super soft and pack a punch. I'm hoping you guys will have more flavors in the future like French vanilla or mocha mint maybe rocky road ice cream or something 😋
Glacier Mint
Douglas M.Verified
Absolutely enjoy the hat from 20ne. These days nothing is free except the hats from your company. It’s good business practice.
2ONE Camo Hat
Anthony K.Verified
The flavors are not strong or harsh, just right and they last a long time. I find I use fewer of these throughout the day. Much better than other brands I have tried.
2ONE Sample Pack
Benjamin W.Verified
I like how small and sleek it is. I can put it in my front pocket. Instead of sitting on my old wallet in my back pocket.
2ONE Tactical Wallet
Ian W.Verified
It is so cool that I get a free hat with this purchase, I also got 2 lanyards one of which is on my car keys.
2ONE Camo Hat
Tanner M.Verified
Flavor was a little inconsistent between pouches but that’s nitpicking. Really good, other brands feel like plastic in your mouth, this feels solid and has a good nicotine feel. Smells like candy.
Chewy Watermelon
Jeffrey W.Verified
I have not had a chance to try all of them yet. They do not last as long as ZOLT pouches I have tried. And they are more expensive than ROUGE.
2ONE Sample Pack
Anthony H.Verified
Flavor is great and so far I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve tried. Only disappointing thing is the wintergreen can came broken so I didn’t get a chance to try it. Would be 5 stars.
2ONE Sample Pack
Kerry A
After trying several other products, I finally found the perfect fit with this company. I will be a repeated customer!
Very Berry
Christen M.Verified
I really enjoyed the pouch itself. It had a nice flavor and a good amount of nic. Unfortunately, I think they use sucralose for the sweetener and that triggers migraines for me. If I didn't have a sensitivity to sucralose this brand would be my go-to pouch. I hope in the future they use a different sweetener (Ace-K, Monk fruit, Stevia etc) but until then I'm still hunting for my pouch brand.
Morgan B.Verified
The flavor is awesome, even the ones that I thought I was not going to care for! The strength is on point and fast acting, however I wish the size was a little smaller for mouth comfort. For the price and flavor I will be ordering again.
2ONE Sample Pack
Michael V.Verified
Bags are a bit rough at first. The berry tasted like straight flavored syrup. Knid of nauseating. The rest of the flavors are pretty good. Mint glacier and watermelon are great. Maybe a lemon one would be nice?
2ONE Sample Pack
Kevin M.Verified
Citrus, mint and naked are all good for flavor or lack there of in the naked. I like how many pouches come in a can. The only thing I could say are negative is the choice of strength, I'd like a slightly lower option like 6mg. The other thing would be they are a little rough in the lip for me, I have one in constantly so that's important for my preference. But flavors are great and stay around, pouch count is great, price point is good.
Robert A.Verified
Everyone always wants to swipe one of my lovely lips pillows and I tell them to order some of their own.
Chewy Watermelon
Richard T.Verified
I like them, but I would like to see a lesser MG. 8MG is a lot and I am used to doubling 3 mg or a 6 mg. I Ike the mint flavor and the price is great, but try and put forth a smaller mg version and it will get 5 stars. Either way I won’t be going anywhere else. Plus there is a discount for military/first responders so that alone gets my business.
Mylar Pouches
Juan P.Verified
There was a delay in delivery. I didn’t get the opportunity to try the product as I had to leave for work overseas. However, I’m sure whenever I get the opportunity to try 2ONE it’ll be awesome!
2ONE Sample Pack
Brian K.Verified
Took two weeks to get it, so it's hard to sample in short time. The berry is inconsistent on flavor ....some just a dry pack. Hopefully the rest will be better. I have been using Sesh with good quality.
2ONE Sample Pack
Andrew J.Verified
The flavors are truly great! The size of the pouches are perfect. The contents of the pouches were hard and lumpy though. I have to smush the pouches with my fingers before using them to get rid of the lumpiness. It is a small detail that I really don’t mind in order to fully enjoy the flavor of these pouches.
2ONE Sample Pack
Michael F.Verified
Very high quality bag. When i unpacked my order and a coworker saw the bag, he offered to buy it off me!
2ONE Sling Bag
Shane D.Verified
Glacier mint is probably my favorite flavor that you offer. However I felt that the pouches were no longer moist shortly after opening them, which I feel like had them lose some flavor. Not sure if I just got a bad batch but the sample pack I got was bone dry in comparison to these so I'm not too sure what the expected product should be like with regaurds to the "moistness" that is advertised.
Glacier Mint
Richard M.Verified
5 star quality and depth of flavor. Less for not having any non fruit/mint candy taste flavors. A coffee/toffee/dark chocolate sort of flavor would be pleasant. Something that melds well with tea or coffee. The other flavors are independent consumption flavors.
2ONE Sample Pack
Kevin D.Verified
It was actually pretty good. Trying to find something besides Zyn to use. I think i found it. Quick delivery and good taste that lasts!
Hollywood H.Verified
havent tried them all yet but a great way and price to sample and see what you like. you wont be dissapointed
2ONE Sample Pack
Chelsie B.Verified
I feel like some of the pouches are stronger than other pouches but the flavor is great. For the most part had no issues with this brand and absolutely love the flavor.
Chewy Watermelon
Terry B.Verified
The flavors are great, the mg of nicotine offered with a max of 8 is wonderful. The only complaint is the size of the pouch. I use the 8mg on pouches but the flavors are getting old. The pouches are half the size.
2ONE Sample Pack
Stephen W.Verified
I worry about the longevity of the elastic bands but gave them a little stress test and they held up, seems well made.
2ONE Tactical Wallet
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