NuewayPets Reviews

NuewayPets Reviews

Eric S.Verified
Been burned more often than pleased on Instagram purchases. This one is the real deal. Well made works exactly as advertised. My dog is brush averse but is okay with this one. It removes deep loose fur comfortably. Well done and Thx. 😎👍
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Sandra R.Verified
I am so amazed, this does truly work, I have 6 dogs, two horses and 2 cats, and I use my brush on all of them, it truly makes a difference on my fur children, thank you, 😊
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Melissa M.Verified
Love it i would buy it again and im telling everyone about how awesome this works and my cats love it too best thing i ever bought and works awesome too
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Johnette P.Verified
It does all the things the advertisement said it would do. So easy to use. The dog thought he was getting brushed, so he didn’t mind at all. His coat felt so much better when I finished grooming him. Really glad I purchased!!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Timothy F.Verified
Couldn't wait to try it out. I was skeptical about it but with just two strokes and a clump of hair came out. The old brush Couldn't hold a candle to this brush. Gave one to my neighbor and she was shocked how mush hair it removed!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Dorothy C.Verified
For my hard to do big dog really helped get the under coat off. He hates being brushed and tolerates this better than most things I've tried on him. My little long haired dog not so much.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Holly J.Verified
The first time i used it on my Golden Retriever I thought I had a second small dog sitting next to me with all the hair. He loved being combed and looked about 10 pounds lighter afterwards.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Sylvia C.Verified
This is the kind of brush I was looking for ,and I'm so happy I bought it for my pup.I love the way it works on my girls fur.Thank you so much for this its the best.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
undefined review of The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool image 1 out of 1
Stuart N.Verified
Great product - does the job better than all previous dog brushes I have used.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Ralph P.Verified
Works better than I thought. I have a Furmuraitor bush that doesn't compare with your bush. I bought 2 One for me one for my son. It's great 2 bad its made in China
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Sandra C.Verified
Was very skeptical but decided to try it. I have 2 shepherds and tried it as soon as i got it. The best decision i have ever made! Great tool and works just as well on my 2 cats.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Ruth K.Verified
Just started the routine on my cat.He is 14 years old and sensitive. I got two fist fulls of hair and working towards his backside where there are huge mats. I will keep you updated, very satisfied so far.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
This brush does what it advertises. I can’t believe how much fur I got off my little dog 4 days ago. I used it again today and got more fur off.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Stephen B.Verified
Stay away from sensitive areas. Other than that, I could hardly believe my eyes. All that extra hair. This brush/combination comb is the balm! Thought i had two dogs after the first use. Its great! Mr. B.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Judy H.Verified
I walk a friends dog which is a Newfinland (just turned 1 yr) Well talking about fur !!!! We could make another dog with her when I saw this advertisement I had to buy it !!! It is absolutely what was advertised, and since I have sold the idea too two friends which have also Iordered . All I can say to pet lovers, is it is a must!!!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Cheryl M.Verified
I used it yesterday on our Husky and it was fantastic. I got out far more fur than any other comb we have bought. I think one more good session and he will be rid of all the shedding fur.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Kathleen M.Verified
Best dog brush ever! My dog used to struggle to get away from the furmunator. I think now it probably did. She enjoys being brushed with Nueway brush. Also got one for a good friend...her dog also loves it!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Kelly R.Verified
I RARELY get stuff like this off face book/internet BUT I'm so glad i did. This tool has been the BEST thing I've done. I have comb my puppies several times and am still getting that annoying hair out. GOBS!!!!!! I have used different brushes and to no means has done what this tool has done. I just wish I was the one who thought of this, I'd BE RICH!!!!! Congrats to the inventor. I would have put a video on but I haven't got one on my phone yet.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Ueff H.Verified
Goldie loves it when I use her new comb. She was a stray that showed up where I work a year & a half ago. She acted like she was abused & it's taken awhile to gain her trust, but she's doing great today. She's very special to me & anything I can do to make her life better, I do. And her new comb makes her life better, it's great & I'm sure she'd agree.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Cindy M.Verified
My girls are in love with this brush! Me too!! Couldn't believe the amount of hair I got off, even though I had just groomed them 2 days ago!! I had to laugh as they strutted their stuff!! Well worth the money, and I will tell all my friends with GSD'S about this tool!! Cindy Iowa
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Stuart J.Verified
We have 12 dogs (all rescues) and have tried just about every kind of de-shedding tool on the market. This one is the absolute best in quickly removing the under and top coats of hair!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Gina R.Verified
This brush did exactly what i wanted it to! After I was don't brushing my dogs they also felt very soft. With the other brushes that I have used they did not get soft like this. Well worth the price and I will be purchasing another one to have as a backup if anything shall happen.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Toni T.Verified
We have a great Pyrenees mix and she sheds ALOT. It is taking the under coat. She was not sure about it at first but she is getting used to it.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Robert M.Verified
Our outdoor, long-haired cat had accumulated numerous fur mats over the winter. My wife tried to get them out in the traditional fashion with a brush and a prayer (claws out, teeth gnashing) to little or no avail. I watched this comb in action on Instagram and figured for the price it was worth a try. Now my wife reports daily her success and our girl's patience with the comb. She actually seems to like it! It's a keeper!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Deborah M.Verified
I have tried many brushes but nothing worked as this one does. Before receiving the new brush I would have to vacuum the house at least twice if not three times a day. We are now down to once a day. I am very pleased with my purchase.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Jennifer L.Verified
I haven't yet used it on my dog, who is a super sensitive husky/border collie mix, but I used it on my long-haired cat and - WOW! I cannot believe the amount of fur I got off of her in such a short time, and so easily!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Nancy H.Verified
Just what I was looking for! It worked great on my Bernese Mountain dog. He looks like he just came from the groomer! The handle on this tool I has a perfect fit. Thank you!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Curt L.Verified
This brush will definitetly conmb the hair out. You will not drag it quickly through a thick coat of hair. Our dog is ( great Perinese / Golden retreiver mix) real sensitive to gettig hair pulled so you will have to drag it rea slow .
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Cheryl P.Verified
This is really the best brush I've ever used. I have cattle dogs they are super hairy, they shed year round. I have gotten more hair off them in one brushing than in 3 with a regular brush. I'm telling everyone that I know about it. LOVE IT!!!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Bonny L.Verified
Maisie is a black lab who loves to snuggle people! She was banned at my Dads house because of her shedding! I have been delighted to bring her to his house now with a glistening smooth coat.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Gary B.Verified
The shedding tool is unbelievable. my healer loves it. I even use it going against his hair. It works even better. I’ve literally pulled out half of his hair it seems. you can be very gentle, and it still works. I have been using it once a day. He’s so much happier now in the heat.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
John S.Verified
Had my 2 labs professionally groomed and deshedded. It looked like their under coat was gone. I ran the furever through them and was still able to get more under coat out. I think this will be a great tool
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Mom-lukia D.Verified
I have two labs- my blonde ones makes so much hair it’s just crazy! Your brush works on his fur like I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE! It pulled out two grocery bags full of hairs! It looked like I added a cat there was soooooo much. I am so happy I bought your brush! Lukia in Warren pa
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Kari H.Verified
This is a miracle brush!! With 2 Great Pyrenees we have hair 365 days of the year, and this makes it so much easier to deal with!! A happy customer here!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Kathy L.Verified
Best grooming tool I’ve ever bought! My dog is very furry - clumps of fur are found around the house often. With the Fureverbrush I’m seeing far less clumps and my dog looks great. Worth every Penny I spent!
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Billy M.Verified
I have two Bernese Mountain Dogs that weigh over 100 lbs. and as you might guess from their breed, they have really long hair. As soon as this item arrived, I immediately took it and the dogs outside for round one. Well, needless to say, I filled a trash bag with what I took off the two of them. Not only did that bring me some relief with shedding, but you could tell by watching, they felt so much better. I had the same style of comb already, but it was only about 1-1½ inches wide. This new one ...
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Russell J.Verified
By far the best hair brush I have ever used. Since I have been using it my dogs seem to be more relaxed. I guess getting the under coat out has done the trick. Thanks so much
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Daryllanne F.Verified
It gets more hair than any brush I've ever used before. His groomer was amazed how much less fur she took off after my only brushing for a few minutes for 3 days. My little pom/corgi sheds constantly but this brush will help me get it under control. Best thing I have purchased for my dog.
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
Kate H.Verified
This brush is awesome. My GSD who does not enjoy being groomed sat and let me brush her with this, and I got a whole other dog off of her coat!
The Original FureverBrush™ - Pro Grooming Tool
Philippa P.Verified
I have had Cardigan Welsh Corgis for over 20 years, they are known for their excessive shedding. This tool is by far the absolutely best one I have ever used. I will be telling my friends about it! Phil
The Original FureverBrush® - Pro Grooming Tool
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