UTRx Reviews

UTRx Reviews

Robert S.
I started UTRX over a year ago and when I couldn't get it for several months I really felt the difference in my body . So I was very happy to finally get it again !!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Andrea B.
I have not had much success with other UTI supplements. I have been on UTRX for about three months and so far so good! There is great customer service and reasonable prices as well.
UTRx Boost - Urinary Tract Probiotic 2 Pack
Allene H.
I have a history of frequent UTI. I am 75 years old. This helps a lot in cutting the urge to pee n not really having to go. Take this a few weeks daily before going on a trip so don’t have urge for frequent bathroom trips
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Stacy O.
I have been using the Utrx System-Maximum UTI treatment and prevention for a while now and I absolutely love it. It has worked better than most of the prescriptions I have taken. I am so grateful for this product. Thank you so very much.
UTRx System - Maximum UTI Treatment & Prevention
Patricia N.
Years of UTI’S! Always a bandaid of antibiotics! I decided to try this product and yesterday I am UTI free. I have been on it for about 6 months! So happy!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Evelyn P.
UTRx has kept me from having UTIs for months. Previously I was dealing with UTIs very often. It is especially important because I am allergic to many of the UTI antibiotics that I cannot take. I am glad that UTRx is available.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Theresa H.
I have had negative urine cultures after months of treatment with antibiodics which left me with horrible yeast infections. I take this Utrx for 2 month's I have not had a bladder infection. I willcontinue to take this product. Thankyou.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Lisa Q.
My father, used to have uti every 2 months, he is in Hospice, now they said they are take him out from Hospice, because they is more than one year he doesn't have uti. I am very happy.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
I am a senior lady and I believe, so far, this product has kept me out of doctors office with a UT infection. Will continue to stay on this product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Katie S.
I have a neurogenic bladder and am susceptible to UTIs. Combined with my RX for methamine Hippurate, this otc works so well to prevent UTIs. I’m really happy with it!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
Robyn H.
I am 66 years old and have never had a UTI until I turned 63. Then I had 3 UTI's in one year and had to take antibiotics to clear them up. I started using your product at that time and have only had one mild UTI since (I didn't even know I had it - it just happened to show up when I gave a urine sample for my physical). Needless to say - I will never go without my trusted UT Rx!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Janet C.
It has helped me so much. Doctors put me on antibiotics when I had a problem before came to my senses realizing this was not a good treatment. Luckily I found you guys which helped me.
UTRx System - Maximum UTI Treatment & Prevention
David W.
I took the pills as directed on the label and it worked! I recovered in a few days and haven't had any symptoms for over a week now. Thanks for a product that really works!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
Mary Y.
I have been using UTRx for about three months and have not had a UTI since mid-summer. I am very happy with the results and will continue until at least next summer when I see the urologist who recommended UTRx for a follow-up.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Katie S.
I take UTRX first thing in the morning with 2 cranberry D-manoss supplements and it has kept me uti free! I won’t go anywhere without it! Can’t rave enough
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Ashlee P.
If you are like me and ended up here from searching for a new product that won't eff up your body you have come to the right place. I haven't gotten a UTI since using the product for months! PRAISE BE UTRX!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Joan M.
Have tried everything available on prescription without any improvement. I am very wary of the possibility of non prescription substances but in desperation decided to try UT Rx. I am so happy to report it has been the only thing that has lessened the pain of constant IC which I have suffered for many years. I am more than happy to take it every day and hope it continues to work its magic.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Joanne M.
I have been taking UTRX for almost three years and have had NO UTIs! I cannot take antibiotics. This has saved me!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Ann E.
Love this product, haven't had a bladder infection since I've been using it.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Deanna S.
I've been using UTRx, at the recommendation of my doctor, for 3 weeks now and I have not had a UTI since! That's a record for me, especially after traveling. Thank you for this!!!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
undefined review of UTRx 30 Day Free Trial image 1 out of 1
Angie S.
So far so good been taking it for seven months!
UTRx 30 Day Free Trial
Barbara H.
I find Hem Healer extremely helpful!! I want to keep getting it monthly!! Please keep sending Hem Healer, I take three pills twice a day and find them very helpful with Hemmorids, thank you and expect to receive them monrhly. Should be getting them very soon. Thank you, Barbara Homler.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Carol K.
My special needs brother takes it, Dr. Sawney had preformed a superpubic catheter on him, and we still give him the Utrx pills cause we definitely don't want him going through any Uti infections, and so far it's been working great for him now!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Linda H.
I love it!!!! I only have to take it once daily. I want to order the $10 off a month deal for life like I saw on my e-mail account
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
Susan C.
Have only used it for less than a month but just reorder 2 more bottles.I showed it to my Urologists nurse and she thought it was wonderful andvsaidbto keep using it
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Kathleen L.
Since I started using UTRX my uti’s have reduced quite a bit. I have recommended this product to several people.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Pam H.
I had issues for a long time, tried everything but nothing was effective until I tried UTRx. It works great, and I have had little or no issues for the past year.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention image 1 out of 1
Paula B.
I have had good success with this product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
No UTIs for almost a year!!!! Had infection 10 times a year, LOVE this product! Linda Floroski🧑‍🦳 🙂
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Francine R.
Everything seems to be working! I had to switch it to twice a day because my sugar numbers were up! Since I made the switch, it is all working out!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Lara A.
The moment I decided to be free of UTIs and tried UTRx, was one of the moments that changed my life completely, I could finally be myself again and live without thinking about my UTI all the time!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Loraine M.
I have an active lifestyle and UTIs were a constant challenge for me. I absolutely love UTRx! I had an UTI when I first bought UTRx and I saw a great improvement after just one pill, after 3 days with UTRx, my UTI was gone, so I'm a believer!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Martha S.
Have suffered with very frequent UTI’s for years. A trip to my gp or urologist then either a shot or meds so far I have been clear of UTI threats. Use a bidet for good cleaning. Very important. Give UTRX a try. It’s good and works. Martha Self
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
undefined review of UTRx 30 Day Free Trial image 1 out of 1
Angie S.
So far so good😀
UTRx 30 Day Free Trial
Agnes G.
I haven’t had a UTI since taking this product. I was having UTIs at least once a month before. I WILL NOT EVER be without them them. Thank you. !!!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days) image 1 out of 1
Carlyne B.
Works great, I can enjoy my life! Thank you!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
Rebecca A.
I have only used Utrx for a month, but do not have any symptoms of a UTI anymore. I will continue to use it , and will return to the doctor in Sept. to check again. However, I think I will be fine because my body feels different. I am confident that all is well.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Jerri S.
Not one bladder infection since I started this medication!!! Love it!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
undefined review of UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew image 1 out of 1
Linda F.
I have been free from frequent UTIs for over a year!!! Life is Great!!!! Thank YOU!!!! Linda Floroski🧑‍🦳
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
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