UTRx Reviews

UTRx Reviews

Barbara H.
Utrx is great. It is helping me a lot. Please keep me on the monthly basis. Keep sending it, thanks for keeping in touch. Will expect it every month, so no need to call you. Thanks, Barb Homler
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Diane K.
no more pesky symptoms and a sense of peace of mind. well worth it. have been recommending it to my friends.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Claire M.
I have been using this product for years and feel I have benefited Great from it
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Julia E.
I like the product but my order was shorted by two bottles. Still waiting to receive them. I call customer service, they said they will be shipped. It has been a week so far.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Claire M.
As a 94 year old , I have had the best results with this medication after having frequent urinary tract infections. This has been the best maintenance medication
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Barbara H.
It helps me not to get UTI’s. Feel like it’s helping, take two pills every morning. So far, so good.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Josephine H.
I haven't really taken it long enough to give you any results I started taking it when I finished an antibiotic in September and I was really excited but then two weeks later I came down with another UTI . I just got off the antibiotic so I started taking it again yesterday so we'll see how this goes. I know the directions say you have to give it a few months for it to work so I will give it that time.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Pamela W.
So far it seems to be working for me. I had repeated UTIs for a couple months before I started taking this. I am currently on vacation and was worried I’d be hit with it again, but so far, success!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Patricia D.
The pills work really well for me....I will be ordering them again...have not had any symptoms. Pat Dolan
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Deanna S.
I've been using UTRX for 3 months now and no UTI 😃 my Doctor recommended this and I'm happy he did!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Pamela G.
I’ve been taking capsules for a few weeks. Do have another UTI but after showing urologist the bottle she said to keep taking them. She thinks that over time may be beneficial.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Claudine A.
My urine smells better getting up less at night thank you so much that is why I need to order more
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
Robert S.
I have been taking UT RX for almost a month and I feel it has helped me with my Bladder problems and will let friends and family know how much I like it
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 1 Pack
Sue S.
I tried Harmony and it was just not as affective as is UtRX!!!! This is the answer I've been looking for and thank you!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Joan M.
I have noticed an improvement in my interstitial cystitis symptoms but still having some pain. Hoping that continued use will improve this. I have tried everything doctors prescribed even intravenous antibiotics without success. UTRX is my continuing last hope for some lasting relief and I will keep taking it for at least a second bottle and HOPE.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Marcia U.
I am feeling so much more in control since using UTRx-UTI treatment. It is a very comfortable feeling and I am grateful.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Allison M.
Very helpful . No uti's since using this product
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Betty F.
Only used for 1 month. Have other issues that cause me to have UTIs. Had urine test after 2 weeks of using your RX.. Test negative for UTI. Still have symptoms of UTI. Another test scheduled for Oct.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
Janice B.
Didn’t think it would work. But it really does work. I would recommend it to any having a lot of UTIs.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Luann M.
I like the product, however as I started it I developed a UTI, now I’m on antibiotics so I was afraid to take it while I’m on a long term treatment for 14 days so once I’m off meds I will try 2 a day as directed and see if it helps. I get UTI’s frequently and it takes a long time to get rid of them. At my wits end so I will give this a try. Any suggestions for me?
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention (Ships every 30 Days)
Shirley N.
So far, it has definitely helped with the uti's. However, I have started to get terrible headaches and not sure if it is brought on by this. I have stopped it for a few days to see if I feel better. I do plan to continue with this supplement.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Carol S.
I have such bladder problems, frequent infections, stress incontinence, I believe it’s been a year taking Your product my infections have lessened and although I still have stress incontinence I no longer have that feeling in my bladder of never quite being empty. I was a naysayer but I turned into a believer.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Eileen H.
My uro-gynecologist approves of it. I'm also drinking cranberry juice every morning. No UTI's since I started it.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
Patricia J.
I order this for my mother who is in her 80's. This has helped her very much to avoid UTI infections. thank you.
UTRx System - Maximum UTI Treatment & Prevention
Kathleen H.
Doctor recommended this product. It has really helped with preventing UTIs. Thank you!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Elma M.
It seems to be helping. I have just started taking it.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew (Ships every 30 Days)
Maria L.
I had it ordered before. Unfortunately I have UTI since beginning of Dec. and am now on my 4 th antibiotic. When I am finished with antibiotic I will continue, or do you think I should have taken it all the time?
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Margaret B.
I take UTRx twice a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. I have it shipped on auto every month so that is something that works well . I have not run out etc.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Georgie B.
My experience with utrx has been wonderful. Have had chronic UTI since I was 8 years old. Nothing worked until I found this! recommended it to anyone experiencing utis!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Kathie S.
Love this wonderful healthy product.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Arlene K.
I have not had a bladder infection for 3 months now since I’ve been taking UTRX.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 3 Pack
Barbara R.
I have no complaints about this product. My health has definitely improved since using it.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Claire M.
I have been taking for years and definitely works
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Rosary F.
I have shared my experience before. The product works amazingly.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Gerri J.
Haven't had a UTI in the last year since taking UTRX. Great !!!
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention Auto renew
Nancy M.
Haven't had a UTI since I started taking them.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Marsha F.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Susan C.
So far it seems to be working but only have used it for a short time.I am in the process of getting ready to go north for the summer so will reorder when I get there
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
Rosary F.
Had uti’s every two months. After using this product, haven’t had one in almost a year. Product really works.
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention
Lydia M.
Haven’t had a UTI in over a year
UTRx-UTI Treatment & Prevention 2 Pack
UTRx ReviewsMore details