Binxy Baby Reviews

Binxy Baby Reviews

Jamie Y.
Every parent needs it! When I first came across the hammock I loved the idea, it seemed like the perfect solution. It really is as awesome as you think it is. My daughter is 4.5 months and I wish I had it from the very beginning. She's happier in the hammock than her car seat and she can look around and see everything. It's safe and secure. It's easy to put on the cart, I do it with one hand. The only down fall is everyone loves it and I have to answer questions about it where ever we go. New m...
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Amanda M.
AMAZING product!!! I have been stopped EVERY time we have gone out and used our Binxy Baby hammock. My son loves it & so does his big sister since she gets to see him and play with him. The business cards sent with it were gone within the first errand day with my babies. The only recommendation I have is to make it stronger and with five point harness so up to 15-18 months could be held in the hammock. I'm sad my boy will be out of it soon! Thanks for making single parent shopping so much easie...
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Marlene C.
Wonderful I'm a mom of three boy, ages from 10 years old, 18 month old and a 1 month old. This product has been amazing for me. I would recommend it to everyone one I know!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Black Fabric
Kristina L.
Love it! Ny shopping cart hammock is amazing, I'm so happy to have found a way to carry my daughter and load groceries without having to put her in a carrier. Big fan!
Kathlene P.
Amazing Product This is exactly what I need when I go shopping. Was super easy to hook onto the cart and held my baby wonderfully. I'll be telling many people about it!
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
LOVE!! It was expensive but worth every penny! My son loves it, it's so much easier than carrying around that clunky car seat. Every time I go grocery shopping, I get stopped by every other person telling me how awesome it is and asking where they can get one!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Black Fabric
Amy T.
Best baby purchase! Glad I finally snagged one of these up! Such a lifesaver when shopping with my little one. I love how I can use this product with my car seat as well.
Megan P.
Love this product! I am a first time mom and so when I saw this I had to order it. Sadly when I got to the store to use it there was a manufacturing defect with one of the clips. I emailed the company with pictures and they got back to me withi 2-3 hours! Super fast I felt like! They were very nice about the whole thing and had a new one sent to me the next day. I have gone back grocery shopping once since I got the new hammock and LOVE IT!! Since my daughter is only a month old I prefer to lea...
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Black Fabric
Jenna B.
Fabulous! What a lifesaver! It's so nice to be able to toss the shopping cart hammock in my purse or diaper bag and need to lug around a huge, heavy, bulky car seat! I love that there's plenty of room in my cart for groceries! Plus, my little one LOVES it!
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Emily R.
Must have for any mom This cart hammock is the best mom invented item around. When I had my first baby (who is 3 now) I would grocery shop with my stroller because I hated putting the infant seat in the cart. There would be no room left for my items I was buying. When I found this amazing cart hammock it's like the Angels were singing!!!! The cart hammock not only gives you a safe place for your sweet babe to ride but it also allows you space to shop. My 3 year old also loves that she can s...
Kristina R.
Shopping trip lifesaver! This hammock is a lifesaver! My little boy used to fuss and wake up if in his car seat and never made it the entire shopping trip without crying... Now, if he's asleep, I keep him in the car seat and put the car seat in the hammock, but if he's awake, I strap him into the hammock and not only do I have lots of room of groceries, he's able to look around and "take in" the experience. He loves it! I've used the hammock at least 12 times and I've had to pick him up out of ...
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Black Fabric
Sarah Z.
Best baby item EVER!!! When I purchased the shopping cart hammock my daughter was 5 months old. Although I wasn't able to use it for very long (due to her height and that she was starting to sit up) this was the greatest thing ever! I just wish I knew about this awesome baby "must have" earlier. I made sure to tell all of my other mom friends who pregnant or had newborns to order one asap 3 of my friends have already ordered it and have started using it...they LOVE IT!!! Hands down, this will...
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Misty D.
A First Time Mommy Must! as a first time mommy, I had my eye on the shopping cart hammock for months and debated about whether or not it was a practical purchase. I finally decided to purchase it. So far I have only used it in Target, but it works like a dream! I would definitely recommend this purchase to all mommies, especially all new mommies who are worried about figuring out how to go shopping with a newborn. The shopping cart hammock worked wonders and was super practical!
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Patricia M.
Awesome! This product has been a lifesaver on many trips to the store. My daughter doesn't mind being in her car seat for the most part but when we are shopping she prefers to be able to see everything so I just clip her into this and she stays happy while I get to shop :) total win win for everyone. Wish I had one when my son was smaller.
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Jessica Rodriguez
LOVE THIS! It's only been a couple weeks since getting our Binxy Baby and I already cannot imagine life without it! My 8 week old does not like being held all the time, which is fine at home and sometimes when we are out, but can make chasing my 21 month old a challenge (especially if she wants to "help" while we are shopping). To my amazement, my little one LOVES being in the hammock and it has made our store runs so much easier! I've also been quite impressed that people tend to leave her alo...
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Triangles
Emily Larsen
Awesome for shopping! We love our shopping cart hammock! It was great for when my son was really little and I would put the car seat in it, and now it is perfect for him to lounge it and look all around while mama grocery shops! I highly recommend it! Very simple and convenient to use!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Austyn Ewing
AMAZING this is something EVERY mom needs. I cannot tell you how many people have come up to me in the store asking where the hammock is from and taking photos of it to purchase one for someone, or themselves!! I LOVE IT and will always recommend it!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Black Fabric
Abby Timm
Best thing ever! The shopping cart hammock is great when you have 2 kids. Shopping is easier and your actually able to put food in your shopping cart instead of around a carseat in the cart. My son loves his hammock because he is able to look around. People are constantly asking me where I got it, I always had them your card.
Shopping Cart Hammock--FACTORY SECONDS
Flori Mackie
LOVE! This shopping cart hammock was a lifesaver for my second child. Keeps baby safe in the cart and makes room to shop. It even rocks baby to sleep while shopping.
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Patricia A.
Awesome This product is awesome. I was able to shop with the peace of mind that my little one was secured safely in the shopping basket while still being able to utilize the cart for my groceries.
Kadrian W.
Makes life easier! My mom found me this tool as I am a mom of a 5 month old and 18 month old! This baby hammock has made our life so much easier. I recommend it to all moms with two littles!
Nicholas H.
Must have for second, third or more babies. Absolutely love the idea behind the hammock. Perfect solution for myself with an older toddler and new baby. Makes grocery shopping much more simple and people love to comment on the cute baby and what a great idea the hammock is. Small enough to keep rolled up in the bottom of my diaper bag.
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Amanda F.
Best Idea Ever! I have a 12 week old who generally hates being confined in his car seat when we're out. The first time I used it, he was around 6 weeks and immediately settled down. He loves to look around and I feel confident knowing the hammock has him safely in the cart. I get tons of comments every time we use it and refer people to BinxyBaby every time! It rolls up and fits nicely in my diaper bag so I never leave without it. The infant stage is a difficult time to go and shop since he's n...
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Black Fabric
LOVE!!! I never thought about needing this...until I realized that I simply could not go shopping without one. Honestly! Best. Product. Ever. Thank you Binxybaby for making my life soon much easier.
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Carissa S.
Awesome! I love this product!! I can grocery shop with my infant and not have to worry about her car seat taking up all the space in the cart. Also its easy to use and store in the car. Love it!!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Emily N.
Love this product! I have two young boys (19 months and 8 weeks) I dreaded going to the grocery store! There was no room for the groceries with all the baby stuff! This makes grocery shopping so easy. I love it!
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Kelli W.
MUST HAVE! This is THE BEST baby product out there! I'm so happy to have found this and thank you for making it! It's a must have if you want to be able to shop with your baby. I can't wait to give this at baby showers from now on! Super easy to use, super easy to carry around, and the baby loves it!
Jessica M.
One of my favorite baby purchases! I saw a photo of this on Instagram and absolutely had to have one for my newborn! We also have a 2.5 year old so this hammock comes in very handy at the grocery store. Our baby is very comfy in it and often falls asleep. Love it!!!
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Emily J.
Show stopper! We LOVE our hammock! I have 3 children ages 6, 4, and 1 month. Shopping is much easier now with our Binxy. Almost every single person we pass in the store asks where I got it or comments on how awesome it is. I'm serious when I say almost EVERY SINGLE PERSON! We could start up a business around our town selling these for the company! That's how great this product is! Buggies we've used so far include Walmart, Target, and Lowe's.
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Jacqueline C.
a must have! Great product! I love that you can use it with the baby carrier or you can lay the baby in it, makes the grocery store so much easier!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Karina B.
Love! Love! Love this product!! This has been such a life saver at the grocery store. I now have room in my car to place grocery items and still have a comfortable spot for infant. So much easier then those bulky car seat carriers. Thank you for creating the BinxyBaby Hammock.
Rachel A.
Love, love, love! My baby loves to explore her world and being in the hammock helps her to do that While we are on stores. It is so nice to be able to limit my shopping because I don't have enough room for everything I need.
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Veronica S.
Awesome Product! I used my binxybaby for the first time the other day. It worked perfectly and kept my little guy happy while I was grocery shopping. It gave me MUCH more space than putting his carseat in the back as I normally do. My only complaint is I wish I would have found this sooner...he's getting big fast and I don't think I will be able to use it much longer. But for now I LOVE IT!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Bethany W.
Where was this 6.5 years ago?! I love this baby hammock! It's so convenient and leaves me the room I need in the buggy. I wish I had had one when my oldest was a baby.
Tiffany R.
Love my cart hammock! I was so excited to go to the grocery the minute I received my hammock in the mail. This is so much better than putting the car seat in/on the shopping cart! I have so much more room for groceries and baby is so comfortable! Definitely worth the money!!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Betsy S.
Love it! I don't know how else I'd go shopping with two little ones without this thing! Using the car seat in the hammock gives a little more room in the cart but both my toddler and baby really like it when the baby rides in the hammock by herself! It fits every cart I've come across so far, including Target carts- vital. I see moms with 2 little ones who wear the baby while they shop but mine loves to look around and my toddler likes to see her and vice versa. Plus I get a break from wearing ...
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
Pure D.
Awesome! A must have item for infants! I get asked every time out shopping about where to get the hammock and always refer them to BinxyBaby! My little guy loves laying in it and looks very comfy!
Baby Shopping Cart Hammock - Gray/Aqua
Kali P.
Best gift to give and receive I found this super handy baby hammock on Instagram and had to purchase! It turned out to be the best! I have given it to friends and family of new little ones and they all LOVE it! Be prepared for everyone to stop you to share the love too!
SHOPPING CART HAMMOCK® - Raindrops in Blue
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