Body Align Reviews

Body Align Reviews

undefined review of Relief Discs image 1 out of 1
Karen M.
For years I have suffered from migraines, never could shake one without heavy-duty meds. I put a disc on Friday night when I went to bed. It took a little while to fall asleep because of the pain, but it eventually diminished and I woke up with a fibrance I have not had since I cannot remember. The picture is of our miniature horse Snickers, who suffers from laminits due to cushings which is similar to human diabetes. This requires administering anti inflamatories which long term will be more de...
Relief Discs
undefined review of Cellular Protect EMF Strips image 1 out of 1
Lois B.
But have you ever seen such a beautiful thing on your microwave? Or your laptop? iPad? Car? Phone? Radio? I am not simply talking aesthetics - it is the sense of relief knowing that not only did you decide to improve your health a little more today, but that there is also a group of intelligent, dedicated, and spiritual individuals, people who don't know you, who are concerned for your well-being. This is the beauty of humanity. Yes, evil is terrifying and embittering, and the fact that we must ...
Cellular Protect EMF Strips
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Candi C.
I’ve had 2 back surgeries in 5 years. I’ve been on pain meds every day for 8 years and have struggled with chronic pain and trying to get off these meds. Day 1 wearing my bracelet…. I had energy and felt so good. By evening I realized that I didn’t take a pill. I can’t tell you how excited I am, I rarely need a pain med these days, I don’t mean to sound cliche, but it’s like a miracle, I’m telling everyone about this, for the first time in 8 years! Thank you!!!!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Thana V.
I feel more energy. Sleep better. I take the band off 3 hours before I go to bed. And I visualize that I am protected from all sorts of bad energy.
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Isabel N.
I’m 78 years old. I started wearing the band during the day and didn’t feel any different. One evening I fell asleep with it on and noticed that I had slept better for a couple of hours than I had in years. Now I wear it all day and night and my sleep is deeper and more restful. It’s either because I’m old or because I’m wired different than most.
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Cellphone EMF Protect Disc image 1 out of 1
Sandy P.
I can’t tell if this is working but I know the other products do so I have no reason to think this one does not. I put this on the back part of my phone n the cover over that. I hated holding up my phone to my ear before knowing what it could do to me. I feel allot better knowing this is protecting me. I ordered one for my husband also.
Cellphone EMF Protect Disc
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Claudia H.
Love my Body Align wrist band. Even in the middle of summer here in Fl it fit comfortably. I am super sensitive to energy and experience a noticeable difference when not wearing it. After several months I am headed back to the site to order another of their products.
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Cherie M.
Since wearing the band I have energy all day !I use to be so tired in the afternoon I would fall asleep if I sat still for a few minutes.Now I’m going all day and I take it off two hours before I wanna crash and sleep so good !!i use to have hand pain joint pain foot pain occasionally Now I’m pain free and loving it !!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Lois B.
Got it for my dad and he loves it! He is pictured here wearing it with an arthritis band. So far says it's elevated his mood, his energy, and it has actually reduced the arthritis in his knee. It's generally hard for him to move around or do the physical chores he wants to do, so this has helped a lot. Thank you so much, BodyAlign, you are doing a great service for humanity!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Kimberly M.
I really feel much more energy when wearing my Wellness Band! I need to be mindful of this fact, so that I can get sleep when I need to, and have balance in my whole day. THANKS for your technology! :-)
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Diane G.
We have been using for over a month now and we can definitely tell a difference in the way we feel. My husband wears his 24/7. Love love the product.
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Piero M.
I bought three of those bands to test them out because I suffer after they pull out my gallbladder incredible pain pains so powerful that will put me down on my knees and take me out of commission for a while nothing has really help with this problem so I decided to try this and see if we have any effect on my body for my surprise the band work incredibly well not only did it take away the discomfort in pain but it has enhance my life greatly my wife also suffer from back pain because she has a ...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Piero M.
My wife has a defect in her back and we purchased this one’s for when he developed that incredibly strong pain the interesting thing is we haven’t been able to use it For her back but when she was walking the dog the dog ,the dog pool so hard on his leash that created A torn muscle in her shoulder this damage was causing incredibly strong pain to a point where she couldn’t even lift the arm move the neck or have any peace about the pain after putting the patch in a few minutes start feeling bett...
Body Relief
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Deb D.
To be honest I was a skeptic of all of this 5G, EMF & frequency protection stuff. I saw Steve enough on Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward's websites that I decided to give it a try and purchased the wellness band and cell phone disc. I've spent the same amount on coffee to keep me awake & have nothing long term to show for it. I didn't notice anything for the first 2 days then it was like a switch was flipped in my body. I put it on as soon as I woke up and before my coffee had finished brewing, I a...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Mary Bell N.
I am six months out from a total knee replacement and these patches are saving me! As the nerves grow back, they can be sharp stabbing little pains and the patches help it not be so intense. I can swim every day to strengthen my knee and the patches stay on. I change them every hour days. Thanks so much for your patches, they ate helping me heal myself.
Body Relief
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Tracie M.
I must say I was skeptical about this product but I am so glad I decided to purchase! My energy level has always been low always tired during the day and after I'd get home in the evening couldn't get anything done because of being so exhausted, but I put this on every morning and I'm good to go for the day i have to take it off so I can go to sleep it is amazing, I have rheumatoid arthritis so being tired was part of my routine for as long as I can remember but not anymore I recommend this prod...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Sherry G.
I first heard about your wonderful bracelet band from the Llama Rasagi on the Dr. Charlie Ward site. Llama Rasagi said that this band would help keep the Chakras open. I have an energy devise which l use doing Biofeedback using frequencies which, as part of the program, measures and gives a picture in color of the Aura of the client. I ran myself after wearing the band a number of hours before starting the session. My Aura was a beautiful color before I even started. This would indicate that my ...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Cellphone EMF Protect Disc image 1 out of 1
Pat C.
Wear it all day long and I seem to have more energy. I also have it on my phone to protect me. My husband is using it too! Thanks for asking.
Cellphone EMF Protect Disc
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Sheryll J.
Husband and I are noticing better balance, sleep, energy, strength and wellness. We used Body Align stickers on the backs of our watches years ago and were disappointed we could no longer find them. I’m assuming this is the same company. We learned from a demo of the opening of Roper Mount Pleasant Hospital in Mount Pleasant, SC. We closed our eyes and couldn’t balance until putting the band on. Wow. What a difference!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Joedy P.
Feeling so much more secure with the buckle clasp on latest band. I heard Steve say that it works better on left wrist, but am also wearing older model on right.
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Theresa H.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting to feel all that much when I ordered my first band, however, I was really excited to receive the protective benefits for my whole body. I decided to get one for myself and my husband so when they arrived we put them on and to my surprise I felt quite energetic all through the day. He usually feels low energy during the afternoon but he also breezed through the day. That night and still to this day we are both having super vivid dreams that were releasing energy th...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Kathy B.
I absolutely love my wristband. I have more energy and I think more clearly! I operate most days on six hours of sleep which is not enough for me personally but that’s how it is. I do not recommend it as sleep is vital and healthy but this armband is truly propping me up! I got them for m family members too and they love them as well!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Louise M.
Such an effortless way to gain cellular protection from harmful EMFs. It is easily adjustable and wearing it appears to give more energy for the day. Very happy with this product!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Pain Patch image 1 out of 1
Kim S.
I bought these for my 79 year old moms knees and they are working great. She was experiencing daily pain about an 8 on a 10 point scale and these take it away. She is so happy with the results and tells everyone she sees...even her Physical Therapist who has no explanation. Thank you for helping her feel better. It means so much to us.
Pain Patch
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Julie M.
My husband and I have used the pain patches on several areas with much success! Currently, my husband has one on his back for pain from bending over his work table all day. Within 20 minutes, his back pain was gone. We've also used them for knee, elbow and shoulder pain. We are amazed at this technology.
Body Relief
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Amanda M.
I waited so long to order the Wellness Bands but totally worth it!! The Pain Patches are a God send! The Sleep Patches induce vivid dreams for me!!! I <3 them!!! My whole family uses the EMF discs as well. I bought Wellness Bands for myself, my husband, and my four boys. They are fantastic. My husbands chronic pain is slowly dissipating and I enjoy the subtle energy increase. Honestly, my 10 year old twins and 13 year old were literally bouncing off the walls with energy and positivity, but tha...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Darci W.
I am so glad that I ordered this EMF band! I was really struggling with headaches (some migraines) and dizziness. After about 3-4 days I noticed that I hadn't taken my headache medication at all! Thank you for producing such a reliable product.
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Cheryl R.
Sorry I don’t have my envelope that our two bands came in because they were thrown out after we opened them but we love wearing them. So I took a picture of my pain patches. We use the pain and sleep patches The wrist bands have helped my neuropathy already. When my husband doesn’t wear his I wear one on my foot!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Jerry P.
Was skeptical of pain relief patches. Used them on my neck, back, arm and palm of hand.. Amazing, they erased all the pain in each area. My wife had same results with numerous areas of her body. She's totally sold on them. We're ordering more and some some for our adult kids. Jerry and Beverly Pounds Burns, Tennessee
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Dale V.
I'm a chiropractor and I have stiff hands from overuse at work and playing guitar. Wearing the Body Align Energy band relieved my hand stiffness in an hour and my skin became softer. When I take the Energy band off during sleep, my hands would become stiff the next morning. I put the Energy band under my pillow while I slept and the stiffness did not return the next day. The most amazing effect was all my callouses on my fingers tips, from playing guitar, peeled off after wearing the Energy Band...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Rose C.
I feel a wonderful difference in my energy level and positive spirit. I love it so much that I gave one to my 18 year old granddaughter.👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Laura M.
I was pleasantly surprised when l started to feel benefits from the Hologram bracelet within 30 minutes of putting it on my left ankle! I had less pain & more energy. I have also determined that l must put the bracelet back on after showering if l am not going to bed soon. If l do not return it to my ankle, l get exhausted & my pain level starts to creep up, up, up. I also think that my memory has improved somewhat! Thank you for fighting Big Pharma & getting your products on the market at reaso...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Cellphone EMF Protect Disc image 1 out of 1
Wanda M.
When I put it on, I immediately felt a difference. I am not kidding, it was an incredible feeling. I am absolutely sold on it and I share it everyone. I even have folks asking me what is on my wrist. I also have the disc on my cell phone and I will get the strips for the laptops and TV's. Thank you, thank you , thank you for creating these amazing products. I no longer feel tired and sluggish AT ALL during the day. LOVE the product. Wanda Marietta, GA
Cellphone EMF Protect Disc
undefined review of Universal Pet Wellness image 1 out of 1
Jenifer D.
We have a 7 yr old rat terrier named Lola with an energy level off the charts. I ordered the pet tag for her and was just using it on her collar for walks and putting it in her bed. I decided to put it on her collar when we boarded her this past weekend and mentioned it to the workers there and told them if she barks too much that they might want to try and put her collar on as the tag is supposed to help. When we returned to pick her up they told me they didn’t have it on at first but when she ...
Universal Pet Wellness
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Michael D.
Ive had sciatica for 10 yrs. Apply these patches on my accupressure points are helping my to have relief and is actually decreasing my pain levels. Thank you Mrs Danielson.
Body Relief
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Deborah P.
I have pain in my left shoulder it’s been keeping me from riding my horses put 3 patches on shoulder within 15 minutes the pain is gone. Tired everything over the counter even lidocaine patches nothing help bought these patches and no more pain they are amazing going to put in another order soon.
Body Relief
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Emily O.
Love this product! It came faster than I expected in the mail, which was a nice surprise. I was also thankful that it fit my small wrist. Not many bands do! It's also comfortable to wear, and best of all, I LOVE that it gives me the extra protection I need!
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Ultimate Wellness Band image 1 out of 1
Lateefha A.
I work for a communications company around frequency 10plus hours a day consistently my headaches were unbearable! As soon as my wellness band came I placed it on my wrist and within 5min the headache was gone.Thanks for an amazing product I tell everyone I cross paths with soon I will balance out my body by adding a second wellness band not that one feels unsafe just that 2 seems to bring my mind extreme comfort. AGAIN MR STEVE THANKS FOR AN AMAZING PRODUCT IM GLAD I SAW UNONNMR CHARLIE WARD...
Ultimate Wellness Band
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Annie J.
These pain patches work really well one patch has lasted me a week at a time after wearing them for I think about a month I really have to wear them anymore on my knee 😁
Body Relief
undefined review of Body Relief image 1 out of 1
Marilu C.
My picture is with my two favorite people in the world - my husband and my son. I have had 4 back surgeries, and scar tissue and pinched nerves have not only caused serious drop-foot, but also, lots of pain. Every morning when I got out of bed, I actually cried out from the pain. I put two patches onto my lower spine, and I can get up without a word. I still wear a back brace, but I don't have the pain which was so common before the patches. They last about 4 days, and I change to new ones....
Body Relief
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