HPLabs Reviews

HPLabs Reviews

Subhash S.
Despite being initial sceptical I am pleased to state that the patch does work to allay the pain whether this is knee, elbow or the shoulder although may take quite sometime to show it's effect.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Lim F.
This is like a miracle patch for me, I even apply the patch on my aching shoulder or neck when I am feeling some pain in these areas. I hope to share this with people who experience not only knee pain but for other parts of the body too. Amazing…. Is all I can say
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
undefined review of Heaven Knee Relief Patch image 1 out of 1
Paula G.
My patches I like them there good
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Rheta S.
Put one on at night before bedtime and my knee does not hurt all night. Put one on in the morning and my knee does not bother me as much. They work!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Anne B.
What I do is, I cut in half because it hurt on both side of my knees. I just love it work wonderfully. I thank you very very much. I want to try it on my back too. I ordered 360 paths and I tell everyone I know that it is absolutely wonderful.
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Mary T.
Before the Patch, I used another” roll on”, and figured, it was the best I could do. And it did deaden the pain some. But when I tried THE PATCH, THE PAIN WAS GONE. I have been using it a long time, told my son and he uses them. They are Great!!!!! A Sure THING Always wear them!!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Sheri M.
I got them for my sister her knees are bone on bone. It hurts her much to walk. They ache all the time. On any day the pain level is about a 5 after putting a patch on in about 15 minutes or so the pain level is about a 1. This most of the time lasts about 10 hours. To rate them she gives them a 7. What would be great is a cream and different sizes. Thank you, Sheri
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Crystal O.
My husband had a knee injury in February of 2021. I saw these online and thought we’d give them a try. They have helped so much! We will buy more.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Wanda J.
I have been using them for about 2 years now it’s the best thing I have ever tried thus far would not be without them when I gets down to about 50 left I always order more sad part for me is that it takes about 6 weeks for them to arrive as I live in Newfoundland Canada I have many friends who order them because I tell them how good they work so happy I stumbled upon them through Facebook and took the chance on ordering them had no problems what so ever in getting them
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Gwenda D.
I have found these magical. I use them on my shoulder and wrist. Saved me shoulder reconstruction. I put one on my back, pinched nerve and a bulging disc, elbow and knees. They work. Given so many away and everyone loves them.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Jan W.
I llike when you put them on , and instantly you can feel the heat applied. The scent is very pleasant to have on you... I use these more for my muscle pain in other areas like my shoulders and thighs..
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Alfreda R.
My knee is bone on bone but after using happy joint for 3months I able to go up the steps using both knees instead of going one at a time.
Happy Joint Formula
Suzanne S.
I had daily pain in my knee from an old injury which has become osteoarthritis. The very first time I used a knee patch I immediately noticed less pain and stiffness. My husband is now using them on his shoulder and says it’s fantastic gir his pain too.
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Deborah L.
I been experiencing knee issues for 5 months and after wearing the knee patch for 3 days and then forgetting to put it on day #4, I realized how much it was helping! Thank you!
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Cheryl W.
At first I was a bit sus of it but I persevered and now I have to say that it works I had a grating and clicking noise in my knee but it’s stopped the patch stings my knee and you can smell the herbs in it but I do believe it is working wheather it’s mind over matter or not I am happy with it I just wish it was easier to place another order as I have tried about four times to order more but I get so far then I can’t go any further I know I must be doing something wrong but not sure what it is
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Genny Y.
Started using these over a year ago. My husband and myself. Absolutely love them. We can both get through an 8 hour work day with comfort and nit so much pain. Just bought another years supply.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
As I got no major knee problems, but on and off sore back, so I usually apply on my back and it’s help to relieve my sore back, my hubby felt it great for his back,too, this is my 3 Rd order ,as I will also share with my friends ,too
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Wanda S.
I was in pain by early evening with my knee. I have arthritis, and often had trouble turning over at night. Now no pain all day and I can sleep without pain.
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Karen C.
I have struggled with back pain for many years due to repetitive strain from working hard on the shop floor. I wear a patch every day, and find this helps, and enables me to carry on. I have reduced my pain medication significantly, I would recommend these patchs to anyone who suffers on going back pain.
Heaven Back Relief Patches
Virginia M.
Suffered with knee pain for decades...these are absolutely amazing! In fact anytime somebody says their knees are hurting them I whip out two of them and say "You have just got to try these!"
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Gulbanu S.
Thank you I love them 💗. They truly help with the pain and I already recommended to my two cousins who also have knee pain. Thank you for these knee pads. Wish I had known earlier about this. Thank you and yes I will be placing another order soon.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
William A.
It helped a lot. Did not feel the normal pain going up the stairs or down. Walked with no pain at all. I've been trying all kinds of stuff no I could add it to the list of what to use especially when traveling.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Beverley C.
I have been using the patch for three weeks now and find it great for my knee I can play bowls and do what I want to i HAVE RECOMENDED IT TO A FRIEND AND WILL ORDER SOME FOR HER I cannot believe it helps so much
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Gloria L.
I was having difficulty walking up and down the steps and feeling good between cortizon shots. Now I walk with difficulty and alot of the time forget that I had knee pain. I have recomended it to friends because it has made my life less painful
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Mary M.
I bought it for my Aunt, she has a lot of pain in her knee, she said it helps the knee pain a lot, but her hip pain is in the nerves, so it's not as affective with the hip pain. But overall she's "Very Satisfied" will buy more in the future.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Martina W.
Excellent all around I couldn't walk well or even sleep without waking up with cramps and knee locked with pain I wear them only when I feel any pain and it works straight away love them so much my life is just amazing .Thank god.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Evelyn H.
This patch has been a blessing. My mobility was down to nothing and the pain unbearable. The patch inn just a couple of days ended all of that. Home run
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Walentyna D.
I use this knee path long time because they help me for waking. I have problems with two my knee and this path is safe my life . Thanks for this knee path
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Vickie M.
These seem to work great for me. I am not able to run up stairs or anything like that but I am able to walk and stand longer than before. Will definitely be ordering from you again.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Sharon F.
It keeps me moving And Walking And Swimming to and going up and down stairs.I wasn’t able to Go upstairs Or down stairs without pain Till these Happy Joint pills Came
Happy Joint Formula
Beverly P.
Was perfect on a knee sprain that I had I just put it right under my knee cap and wore that for several days changed it every 8 hours and it was great loved it!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Vance C.
I Totally Love ❤️ These Patches They Work Excellent, it take at less 70 Percent of my pain away from my Knees.
Auxilium Detoxifying Foot Patch
Rochelle M.
So far, so good!, I bought these for my husband because his knees were bothering him. I figured a glucosamine supplement would be the most beneficial. I bought it because of the number of high reviews and the company's experience with pain management. After taking them for a week, he is definitely seeing improvement.
Ultra Joint Flex Support
Yan X.
I have been taking these for a few years. I have been taking this for the past year, I recommend my friends to take the as well. I am certain they are pretty helpful! It is important to protect our knees!
Ultra Joint Flex Support
Elaine W.
I am waiting for meniscus surgery, I have two large tears and using your product is helping me so much. Thank you.
Auxillium Knee Patch (fka Heaven Patch)
My only problem is in DELIVERY. I state to deliver to: my address which is (address and apt no.)...of course if my package won't fit in the mailbox, then to my door. NEVER did I say to deliver to the Complex Office.......however, it WAS delivered to the Office and it took me a week and a half to receive it. There is hardly anyone ever in the Office. This is why I was notifying you I had not received my package.....I never thought that it would be delivered to a place I had not authorized.
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
David B.
Having been more than pleased with Heavens Patch products I was pleased to receive the capsules and having taken them for a week I feel that I do have an improvement in that I have less pain in my legs. I will certainly continue with them.
Happy Joint Formula
Lynda H.
Been having knee pain and more severe when bending. Saw the patch on Facebook and decided to try it. Once it was received, I started applying it the first day and the pain lessened. Have been using the patch most days and would recommend it to anyone having the pain.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Dolores H.
I am using the patch for about two weeks. It is keeping me pain free so I can shop and do my houcleaning Etc. and move around freely. Hopefully keeping me from a knee replacement.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Morgan O.
They work, and I am reminded of that fact when I forget to take it for a couple of days. I wake up sore and stiff. When that happens, I know I forgot my supplements. I'm painfully aware of the need to have this supplement daily for my joint health while trying to regain my muscle strength. I keep them available with one bottle in the kitchen and one in the nightstand by my bed!
Ultra Joint Flex Support
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