HPLabs Reviews

HPLabs Reviews

My name is Rosemarie I am 68 and I live in Sydney. I’ve been using Heaven Patches for the last 2 years and I pretty much use them everyday at first I was skeptical and honestly I now make sure I never run out. I have osteoporosis in both knees and I have been working from home since Covid started. I had so much pain I was using 2 walking sticks to get around the house and to go grocery shopping. I had been so worried I would end up needing a knee replacements. I am now able to get around with...
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Michael L.
I have one knee headed for replacement and the other very arthritic. The patches have cut my pain by completely in one and made the pain in my other knee 90% better.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Alicia R.
I love these patches they helped so much with my arthritis, I’m so blessed to have my friend Introduced me to them. In two days I felt no pain, no stiffness and was able to do my regular exercise. I highly recommend them.
Heaven Insoles
Maryann B.
Severe knee pain. Bone on bone & bone Spurs. Saw this on Facebook & decided to try it. It has really helped a lot allowing me to walk with little pain. Have given some to my daughter to try for her knee pain. Would definitely recommend it.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Lori D.
Bought these for my husband who needs knee replacements, these are fantastic! They work way better than the cortisone shots he was getting. Virtually pain free when these are on. Great product! Highly recommended!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Nelly N.
Change my life. From can hardly walk and luck with sleep because of pain. Now back to my normal walk with my husband at the beach as our daily routine. I am due for my knee replacement when I came across this product. The best things I ever did. It is life changing for me. Thank you heaven patch 🙏
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Alberto M.
the first patches I bougth were perfect buti this last time that I bought a lot of them each time I use it, I dry my knee but it get attached for only 30 minuts and they begon to detach wht it would be wrong? Thamk you
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Barry C.
I have been using these patches for 12 months now and I highly recommend them. When I started using them my knee was so bad and very painful. I now walk with ease because of these patches and will never be without them. My neighbour also using them now after seeing how well they worked for me.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Joanne B.
I have used Heaven Patch on both knees and on the area below my right thumb. I have moderate to severe osteoarthritis and have had an injection in my right knee which did not give me any relief. I also had drops for my knee which did not give me any relief. The Heaven Patch gave me relief in all three areas!! I was able to walk a greater distance without near as much pain. I also was able to take the lids off of jars and prescription containers with much less pain in my right hand. Thank You Ol...
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Johnny M.
I recently had knee surgery for a meniscus tear and developed arthritis so my knee was sore. The patches really help by warming up the area and relieving the discomfort, I keep it on all day.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Diane M.
Love these knee patches and have shared them with many friends who have back pain, knee pain, hip pain and feet pain. Has worked for ALL issues! They are grea!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Melonie C.
I am so thankful for this product! My 86-year old mother doesn’t have any CARTILAGE in her knees. So I jumped at the opportunity to purchase these for her and THEY WORK! I’m so thankful that she’s not in such pain. AMAZING PRODUCT!!!! And very affordable! Don’t hesitate to buy this for yourself or a loved one!!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Kennedy M.
I find these knee patches very good they take the Sting out of your knee I have used to my hip and I find them god they're too I would recommend anyone to try them that is suffering with their knees
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Joanne B.
I have tried Heaven Patch on both knees. I have moderate to severe osteoarthritis. The patches lessened the pain and lasted for between 8 an 10 hours. Also have an issue with the area below my thumb on my right hand. I used a patch there and had much more use of that hand. Thank you!!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Manjulasharma M.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Sarah P.
So far, I'd say it's a gread product. After five days of using them, I felt a noticeable difference after in my knee and back pain. But after 10-14 days, I can confirm that it really works. My years of knee pain is now gone. And honestly, I can hardly believe it myself. I will be most definitely be repurchasing.
Ultra Joint Flex Support
Henk P.
Hi , I have been very surprised , how well the patches work . I was already thinking I need surgery for my osteoarthritis in my knees. It takes a bit of time to get used to wearing the patches , but you quickly forget about them and the pain is gone.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Sandra L.
Great product. Upon application, pain is reduced almost immediately and relief lasts at least 8 hours .If worn overnight, bone on bone knee pain no longer keeps waking me up numerous times. While this product does not stop 100% of your pain, it does provide a great deal of extended relief. I use it 24/7.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Mary A.
Before I started using the Heaven Patch I used to have pain on my knees off and on during the day. doing all kinds of remedies, it was only temporary relief, until, one day I checked on the Internet. Long and behold, no sooner I received my first shipment of the patches I could almost feel the relief right away. Now not only I function and do my daily chores, pain free, but I also feel "younger". Thanks a million, it feels like Heaven sent.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Marie J.
I was suffer from knee pain and never wanted to go out ,unless it was important . I started to use heavenly patch to work, It was great relief for 12hrs shift at the end of shift I still had energy and no pain. I go out for shopping and don't feel the pain.. Now I look forward to go on long holidays ,spend time with friends and do the things I love like gardening . Thank you Hevenly patch.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Nouissou Henriette S.
Guys the name heaven patches should really be called miracle patches . I could not walk properly before starting my treatment , i was so much in pain that the discomfort made nervous but after the first i felt relieve , still using them , my pain have been gradually reduce .
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Sheila K.
This is the second order for me, the knee patch really works, sometimes I use it every other day because I don't need to use every day. they do work!!! S Kane
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Mke B.
Knee pain relieved My wife used this for pain in a bad knee and has commented about the pain relief she has gotten from it. She gave some to an 82-year-old friend who was amazed at the relief it gave her knee, too. I recommend them as they have no side effects and works wonders with pain and inflammation.
Ultra Joint Flex Support
Linda W.
These patches work wonderfully. My knees are in terrible shape, so I wasn't sure how much they'd help. They're amazing! They help greatly with pain, swelling, tenderness, and even seem to support my knee. I will be a forever customer!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Carol R.
I am really surprised how amazing these patches are, I have fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis so in pain all the time and didn't want to have knee replacement's as I know lots of friends that have had them and they have not been really successful, within a few days of wearing these patches I have had a big improvement in knee pain and I now put one on my lower back as I have degeneration in my lower spine and really feel improvement there as well. I am so glad I took the plunge and t...
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Joanne A.
Been using these patches on my knees (bone in bone) for almost a year and they are great. I also have restless leg syndrome and started using them on the back of my legs and it works
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Barbara D.
Call it my Butterfly Patch and you can feel it working right away. It stays om all day until I take it off at night. I also wear an elastic brace over it because the knee bones are bone against bone and it helps for support.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Debbie N.
I have severe knee and hip pain and nothing was really helping so I decided to try the heaven patch and it really does help alleviate alit of the pain! Will order again!
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Darrin K.
I was not sure at first regarding the purchase as everyone buys items online and maybe 10% are do what they say they are supposed to do. I was extreamely happy that these patches actually worked and relieved the pain in my knees. I highly recommend them. Darrin
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Clara H.
Before using the Heaven Patch knee patch, I was in a lot of pain, generally all day and all night. My wife happened to see your add on Facebook and decided to purchase some of your pads for me to try. After applying the first pad, I was amazed how quickly my pain subsided. I have been using them now for about six months and am extremely happy with the pain relief they provide me. We have been telling all our friends about them and have actually given some out for these friends to try and the...
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Leslie S.
Hi guys I travel daily with constant back pain but since using your product my daily travel has been so much easier so a BIG thank you for your wonderful product
Heaven Back Relief Patches
Barbara S.
I've been using Heaven Patches now for about six months. Using them on both knees, gives me excellent relief from pain and much needed support . Heaven Patches are worth a try for anyone experiencing pain. So glad that I made the decision to try them. Thank you.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Merri F.
Broke my rt knee early September went back to work Feb 7 22 had to build back muscle strength w/ pt the pain and stiffness was in both knees 1 week after wearing the patches stiffness is gone still have alittle pain at the end of day but i can walk without limping to this day thank you so much i found you on facebook i dont need to order anymore yet i still have alot and it may become that the pain will be gone and i can not wear the patches i never knew osteoarthritis hurt this bad
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Teresa M.
This is the best thing I've used following knee surgery. Helps tremendously with the pain. The only change I would recommend is if there's an easier way to take the backing off.
Get 180 Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Gila G.
While I was wearing the patches, my knees felt great! Unfortunately, I am allergic to something in the patches, probably the glue. I'm so disappointed that I can't use them. I highly recommend them.
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Yvette T.
I suffer from chronic knee pain while waiting for my surgery I used them every day I have had my knee replacement but still used them when the pain in my lower back get very sore I love them .
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Phyllis D.
I have been suf with arthritis in my knees for a long time pain killers only work for a couple of hours at the most So I thaught I would give the patches a try, The are wonderful they take the pain away completely for a good eight hours, Now I wouldn't be without them,
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
Elda Z.
Hello, I have a very bad arthritis in my right knee, is very painful according to my doctor my knee is "bone to bone" and is the reason for the pain, the problem is in order to get a specialist appointment for him to decide if I'll benefit for a knee replacement, is taking almost three months then I'll go on a waiting list ??? Another 6 months in pain. Thanks to Heaven Patch, I can say I'm feeling 90% better, very little discomfort and that's true the day! I'll continue using Heaven Patches for ...
Heaven Knee Relief Patch
Catherine O.
I am very satisfied with the knee patches I don’t have acute pain but a lot of discomfort and when I use the patch it makes it no problem to walk for long periods of time.
Heaven Knee Relief Patches
Donna C.
Saw them advertised on social media, decided to try them, sure glad I did!!! I have purchased 365 twice, just received my second order, so much cheaper to buy that amount. My knees ached so much, especially at night, was awake several times a night from the pain, but not any more!! They have taken away my pain at night and I very seldom even take my arthritis medicine any more,maybe 2 to 3 times a week instead of 7!! I continue to wear them at least every other night even though i am almost p...
Heaven Knee Relief Patches Kit
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