Flight Path Golf Tees Reviews

Flight Path Golf Tees Reviews

Darrell H.
I have only used this tee for one time and it worked better than the martini style trees I was using before. I would like the shorter style tees for my irons. Every drive I made with my new style tees were straight where I pointed the tee. I really like the new tees. I like the idea that they do not break into also.
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Gerard M.
True to form primarily Straight where aimed. The trick is lining up on uneven tees to get the ball balanced. I’m an eleven handicap and 70 years old so I’ve noticed a little more length on drives. I only use on driver holes and have yet to break one!
4 Packs of FlightPath Golf Tees
James P.
It definitely helps you hit the ball perfectly straight I have been in several long drive championships and I can definitely tell you the ball comes off the tea at a straighter trajectory I rated It five star.
1 Pack of Long Tees
Rick C.
Last year I noticed it was getting harder and harder for me to get the ball placed properly on a traditional tee. I have bad knees, poor eyesight and with advanced age, a shaky hand. Since beginning to use the Flight Path tees I can now place my worries in more appropriate concerns... like where my ball is going! Highly recommend this tee!!!
1 Pack of Long Tees
Jim T.
Love the pointer on tee, gives u better direction aim, very few off line drives, since begin using. Question, do u make a shorter version for iron shots on par 3's.
One FlightPath Golf Tee
Rolando R.
when i first got them I was excited got out to the golf course that weekend put the tee in the ground put the ball on ball falls off had a hard time getting it to stay on once i got the ball to stay on hit the ball low line drive into the ground 4 holes in a row put it away back to a regular tee the flowing weekend went back out I was not ready to give up on it just yet so pulled out the tee put it in the ground put the ball on this time no problem ball sat perfectly on the tee pulled out my 3 w...
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Tom P.
I did notice a reduction in off line shots. This also helped in drives that needed to be drawn or faded, since my purchase have only three left as others wanted to try one & some how they never gave them back. Great product,
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Betty M.
Well, I wondered if the tees actually worked. Only two shots were bad, both my fault. The first one I almost topped the shot that sliced but I never moved the tee. The following shots I got way under one and it flew high but very straight. again my fault. All the shots I took other than the two I mentioned were straight down the middle. I am a believer of these tees, Could you suppose you could raise the back of the tee just a little bit more or would that effect the shot too much. I am 8...
1 Pack of Long Tees
Glenn D.
Only got to play one round. Used the same tee the whole round. School is still out on how well they work. I have a friend that would like to them that hopes they live up to their claims.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Stephen S.
Great golf ball. I am a 8 handicap and thought I would try these balls. I usually play Titleist ProV1's as do my friends along with a Bridgestone here and there. I was able to keep up with the Titleist players and at times drove the ball farther than they did. Good spin and bite if you need it or roll if you need that. Also saves on marking your golf ball because nobody I play with even knew these balls existed - thanks an investment well worth the price.
Tracer Premium Golf Balls
Mike K.
Just received my tee’s and played today 8/27/2023. I was very surprised as I did hit the ball straight and gained between 10-15 yards in distance. Looking forward to the next round and seeing the results. So far so good !!!
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Bernard K.
Since I began using these tees I have gained, on average, ten yards per tee shot. I have also gained 4-6 more fairways hit per round on average. These two pluses have led to saving 3-4 shots per round. On a good day even more.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
Bert N.
Been playing golf for 40 years current index 1.4.... if find more control and consistency off the tee.... and extremely durable... at my swing speed I wouldn’t say they are unbreakable, however one tee will last multiple rounds.. Extremely satisfied with this product and glad I made the change
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
Jeffrey H.
I started using the 3 1/4 tee back in middle of May and of this date middle of December still have the very same tee. I average 4 times a week playing golf. I’ve ordered more just in case and to share with my friends. Thank you, Jeff
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Christopher O.
These FlightPath tees are strong and durable. No significant wear and tear on the one tee I used during my round. I’m a high handicapper and the flight path of my ball was consistent throughout the round. It won’t fix bad, but it does seem to add a degree of consistency to my game. Look forward to putting the FlightPath tees to the test again soon!
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Stephen F.
By using the Flightpath tee's my drives are going where I am aiming and going longer. It's very easy to use and they last, I have played 20 rounds on one tee and it looks like it was only used a couple of times. a great product.
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Ronald Keith H.
These flight path golf tees are outstanding. The definitely take a lickin and keep on tickin !! I use them on all my par 4's and 5's. I'm able to use them and point for my draw or fade. Easy to pick the ball with an excellent flight path being achieved. They are muy bueno !!
One FlightPath Golf Tee
Carlos M.
I have used these tees, weather permitting, and so far have gotten great results. Being able to square the clubface has been a challenge, but the tees have given me a little corrective action. When the weather clears. I will be on the range to get more practice using them. Overall, I love the tees. I've only had two to break from my last order, but hopefully with more practice, I will be getting it right! Thanks for the "flight path"!!
One FlightPath Golf Tee
Armando O.
What I like about the flight tee it’s easy to tee up and as soon as you make contact it flies and no pop ups I’ve gained about 15-20 yards
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Dennis R.
I started using the tees as soon as I received them. From the first drive I could tell my ball flight was different. It was much higher and clearly straighter. My drives had just a soft fade which is my go to trajectory. Keeping the left side of the fairways out of the equation saves me a few shots each round for sure. I have played 15 rounds now with the tees and have used the same one in each round. They are very durable. It took a few rounds to get used to aiming the arrow on the tee b...
4 Packs of FlightPath Golf Tees
John T.
I only got to use the tee twice just before we were put on the stay home order. What I did find though using the tee was remarkable it does just what you say it does. My drives were longer and straight and the iron shots were not bad a little more work with them and they'll be afraid to play me. Lol. They have helped my game.
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Chad S.
I don’t know if it is in my head or not, but from the very first get off of the flight path tee, my shots are straighter and a little bit longer as well.
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Greg J.
At first I had a little bit of trouble using the long tees but I finally figured out how to use them and ever since I have great success with distance and direction. These are the only tees that I use when I play. A great product!
1 Pack of Long Tees
Thomas L.
Maybe it is psycho somatic but since I started using these weird tees , I do seem to hit my drives further and straighter than before. I’m 72 and am hitting out there with most of the younger guys.
1 Pack of Long Tees
Robert D.
Used Tees and every drive hit the fairway!!! Playing partners started saying I was using an illegal tee as drives were not going right or left as normally they did
1 Pack of FlightPath Golf Tees
Lou L.
I have used these tees for several years, and the only problem for me is losing them! You have solved that problem with your new orange tees. I can't wait to get out to try them out.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Brian F.
I’m 67 years of age and bought these tees in the winter while watching golf channel I’ve played four games with them. Either my swing has improved sitting on the couch for four months or these tees work I think I’m getting 10 to 15 yards further with these tees. I’m an 8 handicap. My buddies are all trying my Tees (bunch of cheap old men) I seem to go through about 2-3 tees a round. So I’m in the process of buying more I will be ordering more
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Randy K.
I forgot…that I use this product and it was perfect for me but, I decided to try something else…big mistake…to make a long story short…your product works for me…thank you again.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Ronald K.
I bought one to see what I thought I just ordered more I know they are nearly indestructible but I didn't want to be without one in my bag. They do exactly what they say , my drives were a lot straighter . I am impressed , these will stay in my bag for sure. I love this TEE.
One Sample FlightPath Golf Tee
Al P.
I can't say whether its a coincidence or not but since I've been using this tee my drives are straighter and longer. Honest. I bought a bag to give to my golf buddies and many of them feel the same way. Hey, even if its a placebo effect, it works for me! I'll continue using it.
Players Pack 4-2.75" & 4-3.25"
Dennis C.
flight path tees performed as advertised.. i was skeptical at first but i decided to try it. then i used it for the first time in the course and i was so impressed, it performed just as advertised.. initially i was having difficulty placing the ball as it always drops off the tee but once i got the technique correct it was easy teeing off.. the direction of the ball follows the placement of the tee, so you can pretty much aim it and hit away..i am so happy playing golf using this tee
Players Pack 4-2.75" & 4-3.25"
Fred C.
I have been playing the Flightpath tees for about one month , I have noticed that my drivers flight path has improved and I’m hitting the ball just about 10 yards farther and my handy cap has dropped by three strokes, this was money well spent.
Players Pack 4-2.75" & 4-3.25"
Cindy A.
I am enjoying using the Flightpath tees and I do get more distance off the tee. The longer tees are great! I prefer the longer tees as I am not always able use the shorter tees.
Players Pack 4-2.75" & 4-3.25"
Mario T.
The flight path tee has given me the confidence to strike the with more authority and vigor. I've been using it for the last three rounds and I'm satisfy with the distance and direction of my swing.
Ball Marker Hat Clip
Anthony G.
I love how they actually work!! I was very skeptical but I’ve never hit the ball so straight! The only thing different I would have done is bought the longer length but besides that, amazing!
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Jeremy B.
Have played 3 rounds with my new tees. I have never drove the ball better than I have these last 3 rounds. I finally don't have a fade to my drives. Plus I'm getting more distance. I would highly recommend giving them a shot.
One Sample FlightPath Golf Tee
Mike C.
No question I am hitting the ball straighter and longer. Best purchase I have ever made. My friends are asking me what has happened. I purchased additional tees to share so they can see for themselves.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Mark K.
From the first time that you drive off this, you can feel the difference from your old tee shot, your ball flies straighter. AND FARTHER..... The only thing that I can complain about is I have to put the tee in at an angle because the ball tends to fall off when the Tee is straight. 🤬 And that is my only complaint!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TEE. Sincerely, Mark Kaluza
2 Packs Of FlightPath Golf Tees
Russell S.
After seeing these tees on Facebook, I went to your site to read more. After reading about them, I decided to buy 2 tees to try them. After receiving them and trying it for the first time, I was surprised how far and straight my ball went. I’ve been using them ever since. After showing a friend these tees and him liking them also, 3 weeks ago I went and bought 2 more boxes of 8 tees because they are really good
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Mike I.
I find that I am hitting the ball straighter with consistency! It also makes me think about the height of the tee when I tee the ball up given the arrow height on the front of the tee. And finally I can go the complete round without losing, breaking or bending the tee!
2 Packs Of FlightPath Golf Tees
Flight Path Golf Tees ReviewsMore details