Flight Path Golf Tees Reviews

Flight Path Golf Tees Reviews

Carmen R.
Still have snow on our course but imagine they will absolutely improve my game. Can't wait to try them in spring. Going to try to hit them LONG AND STRAIGHT.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 4 Packs 3.25 inches
Walter J.
Well with golf anything that might improve the game is worth a try:) I don't think that I'm alone to being skeptical to try something but the curiosity always enters into it for me! i truly have to say that these tees have definitely improved my shots off the tee. It might be a little belief that they would but the consistency (direction and distance) throughout 8 rounds to date tells me that the concept and technology are not just a fluke! My golf buddies initially gave me some ribbing ab...
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
Charles C.
I like the contact on ball, seems to help me a lot with distance and controlling my slice ( some of the time) I need all the help I can get!!
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Mario T.
I rely on the Flight Path tees inclusively. I make sure I have my box of tees before I start every round. Mentally I depend on these tees to give me maximum results.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Louis L.
These tees have helped me line up my drives and they go straighter. They are well made. You can't destroy them, you can only lose them! I have sprayed a random squirt of orange paint on them, and they are easier to find. Problem solved.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
David H.
Been using Flight Path tees for about 4 - 5 years now and it's the only tee I use. For me they work very well. Drives are straighter / longer and I can really put more power into driving the ball. There durable, I play at least once a week and 1 tee will last all season. I use to give them away for friends to try but now the price has increased significantly.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
undefined review of FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack image 1 out of 1
Robert L.
Hole in one! Use my tee always, give them as gifts to friends. Broke a few, but you replaced them. Thanks
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Mary S.
Bought these after a friend recommended. For me, they are missing a “stopper” - like the one I have on my martini tee. The stopper assures my ball is at the same height every time. Even a black or colored line would be helpful. I also find them hard to “get right” in terms of the ball staying on the first time you place it. That said, definitely got at least 10 yards by using this tee. My husband LOVES them and thinks he’s getting 20 yards of distance from this tee. He says you get used to the ...
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
undefined review of FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack image 1 out of 2+1
Michael H.
Great customer service in terms of processing my request for replacement tees, however the tees are not as sturdy as they once were and are still breaking at a rate of one per round of golf.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Allie W.
I will never live without these tees as without a doubt they have added distance to my drives. The only issue I have is that one of my partners or cartmates take them from me and forget to return. Everyone love them!
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs 3.25 inches
Tim H.
I purchased 400+ tees for a charity golf tournament and the golfers were excited to try them. Several of the golfers I talked to said their tee shots went straighter and further than with their regular tees.
Fairway Legends
Mario T.
I have used the Flight Path tees for the last 3 years and have been extremely pleased with the results I have achieved. I have grown attached to the tees and will use no other tees except the Flight Path tees.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Lewis Craig B.
I tried the 2 3/4 inch tees and did not like them. These longer tees are easier for me use as they have better weight and feel. My friends tease me about the tees but not the straighter, longer ball flight usually shuts them up.
Orange Fligthpath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Kevin M.
Began to hit the ball straighter and with more distance . Still using the same tee. However my playing partner broke his tee on the second drive. Front directional piece broke off.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Michael G.
I’m a disabled veteran with one leg and I have a cool prosthetic I’m only 140 pounds 5 foot seven I was never really long hitter but I was able to put it down straight to the fairway now that I have a prosthetic I had to retrain how to swing to a swing that works for me with my leg I bought these tees they say they give you a little extra yardage I played last week and was hanging with my crew on drives a couple of holes I out drove them these really do help it’s not a gimmick you have to try th...
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Gary M.
I was skeptical and unfortunately ended up purchassing a knock-off version that was not durable but was effective. I ultimately purchased Flight Path tees and have played 54 holes with the same tee. They don't fix slices or hooks, but will help you hit more fairways. The aiming system is great. I used to hit 4-6 out of 14 fairways and recently have averaged 10 of 14. My swing is a draw and the side spin is certainly less than before. Consider me a fan.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs - BOGO 3.25 inches
Derek H.
Great tees! First time I was legit upset I lost one when it went off the side of a tee box to the woods. Incredibly durable. Easy to use. I do think it helps with the flight path as well. Bought five boxes and assume I’ll probably never need another box again.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Allen M.
I will admit I dubious at first, but after a session in the range and the course I’m a believer. More distance, less side spin on poor swings. Maybe more important is more confidence off of the tee box.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Leopoldo R.
Love them completely help me remove my slice to the right I am amazed on how straight my tee shot is and further it goes my son in law was so impressed that he ordered them also
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Marty K.
These Optic Orange tees are my second order from Flight Path and while, due to the durability of this product, I still have a half box of the original purchase, and I absolutely love them. I track my stats religiously and in the 20 months I have used these tees my fairways hit has gone from 47 to 59%. My handicap has dropped from 5.2 to 4.1. I’m 65 in a week and that kind of improvement is damn hard to come by. Thanks Flight Path!
Orange Fligthpath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Mark H.
I have used the tees for two rounds -- drives were staighter and went higher than ever before. Landed on the green on 3 of the 4 par threes for the first time in my life
FlightPath Golf Tees - 4 Packs
Dave F.
The best tea I have ever used it added anywhere's from 20 to 30 yd to my drive. My first tee that I used, it chipped the corner of the tee. I called flight path to see if they were going to honor their warranty for life , And guess what golfers they did. They didn't replace just the one tee that I broke they sent me a brand new box with 8 more just replace 1. I am a firm believer in this . You will not only drive further but you will drive straighter. The box of the golf tee is well worth it.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Timothy P.
Neat tee. Like the bright orange color. Sturdy enough to push into hard ground. Pretty tough have played a couple of rounds with the same tee. Cannot really tell any difference in ball flight or distance, but then again, I am a 18 capper, so hard to tell
Orange Fligthpath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
John B.
The new orange color is definitely a “eye catcher”. My golfing buddies just had to have one. They raved about the quality and ease of finding the Tee after striking the ball. I will be ordering more, great product. Oh yes, I’m hitting longer and straighter off the tees and have shaved 8 strokes of my game since discovering these incredible tees!
Orange Fligthpath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Colleen O.
Took a while to get used to setting the ball on the tee, but once you get the hang of it, the ball flies! My husband only uses these tees now! They really do help add a little distance
Fairway Legends
James M.
With the use of the flight path tees my drives have been more accurate and I feel they are longer, it might be because they are headed where I want them to go.
Fairway Legends
Robert E.
Starting using these a few weeks ago. Seems to give me good distance. Pretty easy to tee up the ball. I do wish they would put some rings around the stem to provide some easy means to judge height of tee from the ground.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack 3.25 inches
William B.
I usually hit my driver pretty straight with a slight draw and I’m hitting a new driver (Taylor made stealth 2). All of my drives have been straight, but the biggest thing I notice is that the first bounce is bigger than normal adding distance. I will continue to use them, the tee is definitely not hurting me, only helping.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 4 Packs
Cathy K.
A friend gave me some Flight Path tees to try. It was amazing how much straighter, longer, and more accurate my drives were! So I ordered some for myself, and have been encouraging other friends to try them. Love the pink color, and hope the company will make even more colors. Great product!
Pink Fligthpath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Kathy C.
I’m in love with these tees!! I’ve been talking them up to anyone who will listen, I have several of my friends using them now. Which, I sorta regret because I lost my distance advantage!!! Would love samples to put in the SWAG bags of the charity tournament I’m chairing, it would be a hit!!
Pink Fligthpath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Clastine P.
I did hit the ball straight down the fairway I wish they were 3 1/4 tall because my callaway driver has a big head however I still love them
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Robert S.
I've been using these for about a handful of rounds so far and I absolutely love em. I haven't broken a single one yet and I feel like there is improvement on how straight the ball flies off the tee with no slices. I highly recommend giving them a shot if it's something you're thinking about.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
Kenneth M.
Flightpath golf tees have added at least 10 yards to my average drive length. The design of the tee encourages a positive angle of attack, resulting in the high launch/low spin flight necessary to get the most out of modern drivers. The Flightpath tees are also incredibly durable, making them well worth the price. After watching me use the Flightpath tees (and making fun of me!), my playing partners have switched over as well. You can't argue with results!
Fairway Legends
undefined review of FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs image 1 out of 1
Darren L.
Been using these tees for over 3 weeks, hitting drives farther and straighter! Still using my 1st tee, very durable!
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
Rod B.
My Driving accuracy and distance has improved 500%. I started using this tee in mid summer 2023. My drives dead straight 95% of time which has truly helped my overall game.
Fairway Legends
Wayne C.
Been using them for a while now . Believe they have straightened out my tee shots and added some distance to my drive . Just yesterday shared with two others who also loved the way they worked ! Highly recommend !!
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Mario T.
The Flight Path Tees are my first choice of tees. I use them every time I tee up the ball. They have given me confidence and trust on my impact on the ball. With more use and experience, I hopefully will be able to get better results.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 2 Packs
Thomas S.
Used the flight path tee for the first time this past weekend. I must admit I used one tee all day long. My ball seem to be a lot straighter than normal. Great product I will definitely share with my golf buddies.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Pete E.
They really do help me keep the ball straight. I have been in the fairway on every hole. I’ve only played two rounds so far but I like them a lot.
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
Robert C.
They say it's a game of inches, and in this case helping to keep the ball straight makes a difference in feet - THX, I need all the help I can get ;)
FlightPath Golf Tees - 1 Pack
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