Dreamland Baby Reviews

Dreamland Baby Reviews

Ashley W.
My son is 8 weeks old, and we started using this at 6 weeks. He would only take 30 - 45 minute naps during the day, but now that he uses this sleep sack, he sleeps for 2 - 3 hours! His stretch at night has extended to 1 - 2.5 hours, which is huge when he was only sleeping for 3.5 hours at a time. We have an Owlet and his sleep quality has also improved; his sleep score is always great, when it was either poor or okay before. We love this so much that we already have the other sizes for when he g...
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Stacey S.
Saw this on Shark Tank, read the reviews and figured why not? My 10 month old was still waking up 1-2 times a night. The very first night he wore the weighted sleep sack he slept 11 hours straight through. Second night, same thing. He has slept 10-11 hours straight every night since wearing the Dreamland Baby. Well worth it!
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Artina B.
I bought this one for my daughter in law who baby boy is due in December so she can get the sleep she will so desperately needs I wish this came out 7 years ago for her daughter savvy belle she really had a hard time getting to sleep I will order the 6-12 months after her son Dallas is born . I hope I can still get a discount later on . Thank you for making this product for all the mothers out there that have to get up every 2 hours that really need more sleep and for their little blessings from...
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Michelle H.
We were nervous about moving our babe from the Snoo into a crib, but with this weighted sleep sack we had nothing to fear! He now yawns as we’re putting it on him because it’s his cue it’s time to get some sleep. I would highly recommend. Make sure you check the sizing and don’t just go by the age. Our six month old is really big so he’s in the 12-22mo sack already.
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Cara A.
Before using this the baby would only sleep around 4 hours at a time. Now with dreamland baby weighted sleep sack he sleeps 6-8 hours every night! I can’t say enough good things about this!
Dream Weighted Sack, 0-6 months
Joseph C.
We were very impressed with the quality and feel of the Weighted Sack. We were transitioning from a full sleep suit and this has been wonderful! Our little guy likes the freedom of arm movement and the comfort in the weight; I wish they made them for adults! Definitely recommending to our friends and family!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
undefined review of Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old image 1 out of 1
Cortney S.
Love it and want one for myself and my 2 year old! It honestly seemed to make sleep worse for the first few days but now we’re getting in at least 6 hour stretches instead of 2 hr stretches!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
John T.
Our 6 week old son loves it. He was waking up about every 3 hours. Now we put him to sleep in the his little dreamland sack at 1030, he wakes up at 330 and 730. Game changer!
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Erica G.
I got this for my daughter when she was about a month old. She was maybe sleeping 3 hr stretches at night. Within a week it increased to 5-6 hrs. We also use it for nap time when she has trouble staying down. Love it!
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Lindsay S.
This sleep sack has been the only sack that our baby will sleep in as he was super colicky. It’s adorable, well made and makes our baby feel very comfortable. I only wish I found it sooner! In addition to the weighting that has been a miracle for our baby, the adjustable wrap is better than any other product out there since you can position as needed and not worry about it moving up over an airs face like other brands we tried before this. We have 2 and rotate between both sacks every night an...
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Adam Z.
We love this! Item arrived early and it has helped our baby sleep SO much better! Highly recommend this to blanket to anyone. Oh, and I need the adult-sized version for myself please!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Nicole C.
From one sleep deprived mom to another just spend the money and purchase this sleep sack! My daughter falls asleep quicker and stays asleep longer with this sleep sack and I am so happy I finally bought one. Worth every penny!
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Tola M.
My granddaughter sleeps so well in hers. Very high quality. We recently bought the bundle as a shower gift for our Goddaughter and she is thrilled! She had heard about it from friends. Thanks!
The Bundle
Terie S.
We loved the smaller size when my grandson was a newborn. My son and daughter in law had a different brand. I saw this one advertised and thought we should give it a try. It worked like magic!! Immediately we could see results. He calmed down immediately and we were so thrilled!! As he got older, we used it consistently for months. As the grandma, I started being a little less dedicated to putting him in the sack. Now as a 11 month old, the baby needed some help settling in. I ordered t...
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Michael S.
True confession. I'm using my Dreamland Baby weighted blanket every night. I say to myself ... "off to Dreamland Baby" and I fall immediately to sleep. It covers my torso and legs. Provides needed warmth just where I need it. Wow. What a great product. I also wish I had discovered it years ago. Never cold again. Never lacking insulation. And I just love your name. Just say it to yourself, "Dreamland, Baby" and you too could be asleep for eight hours. Mike S., adult male former insomniac
Dream Weighted Blanket
Kristen W.
Our daughter started off in the Snoo and did awesome from the beginning. It wasn’t until she was placed in a hip abduction brace for hip dysplasia at 2.5 months old that we found ourselves in a bit of a pickle. That is when we could no longer use the snoo swaddle and had to look for alternatives that fit with the brace. There were a couple of tough weeks with little sleep until we came across the dreamland baby sleep sack. She has slept straight through the night since her first night in it, now...
Dream Weighted Sack & Swaddle, 0-6 mo.
Jolene S.
This is the best sleepsack ever! I recommend it to all of my clients as I am a sleep consultant and sleep train infants! Great transition Swaddle and perfect weight! Keeps babies cozy and they love it!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Courtney Z.
We love our weighted blankets - As a pediatric sleep coach, they have been instrumental in supporting my clients AND we use them in our home with our 5 & 7-year-olds. Such an amazing product!!
Dream Weighted Sleep Blanket for Kids & Toddlers Ages 3+ and/or 30+ lbs
undefined review of Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old image 1 out of 1
Erika B.
So the first time I put this on my baby, she fell asleep within 5 mins with NO ASSISTANCE from us which was wild (pre-sleep training here). No it hasn’t been THAT level of magic each time, but I will say she takes much less time to put down every night in this sleep sack compared to others. And that’s worth it in my opinion!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Leigh C.
We are very happy with the dreamland sleep sack and swaddle! Definitely lengthened of sleep over night by about 1-2 hours and helped with longer naps and self soothing. Would buy again!
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Jaquelyn K.
Life changing sleep sack!!! My little one was waking 3-4 times per night to feed. The very first night in this sack she slept almost 10 hours with NO WAKING!!! Then the next night for 11 hours without waking!!! I didn't know what to do with myself. Since then there have been some great nights and some OK nights but overall I love this sack and so does my daughter. She is a stomach sleeper so I put the sack on 'backwards' for the weight to be on her back side. But I put her down in the crib on he...
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Doris E.
The perfect gift to my grand daughter for her first child. She sleeps through the night the minute they slip it on. Have already purchased a second one since she’s grown bigger! Wish I’d had these when my kids were born!
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Our baby sleeps much better with the Dreamland and has since she was 2 months old. She feels safer and more secure, even as we transitioned her from a bassinet to a crib. I love that they are washable and durable.
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Eve M.
Love these sleep sacks!!! Starting using as soon as my son transitioned out of the swaddle and they are a dream. My boy has been sleeping 12 hours a night since three months old. Thank you!!!
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Bethany N.
I bought this in a moment of extreme fatigue because my 4 week old would not sleep during the day. He wanted to be held all the time and when we would try to put him down for a nap he would need to be re soothed every 5 minutes. If felt like as soon I went to sit down I would have to get right back up to help him back to sleep. The very first time we put this on him for his nap he was able to self soothe and he takes 1-3 hour naps now. He will wake up and fuss a little but puts himself back to s...
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Katie P.
My 14 month old was sleeping in his crib sporadically. He wouldn't stay down for long periods of time and when he woke up, which is inevitable for babies, he would scream. This sack is what helped me to sleep train my baby because the first night in it he stayed in his crib over 2 hours. I think he feels safe and secure in it. He likes it. I am going to purchase the weighted blanket when he's older.
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Kelsey M.
I was so nervous to transition my babe out of the Snoo/swaddle and into the crib - but I was absolutely shocked when he actually slept better and LONGER! in the crib with the dreamland baby sleep sack. Kind of wish I had one for myself if I'm honest. It is very soft and the perfect weight for my little guy! Also FWIW, easy to wash - a must!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Alisa H.
18 mo old grandson was waking several times/night. Daughter tried everything!...this little sleep sack has him waking only once/night even sleeping full nights here and there! Very pleased!
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Alina M.
Our baby girl absolutely loves the Dreamland suit. This is no exaggeration but ever since we got it, her sleep habits seemed to have improved and this suit now indicates sleepy time to her as she uses every day. She loves her arms to be out and the swaddle below arms is perfect.
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Roberts, D.
Our son was waking up to 8 times a night before this dreamland swaddle...now he only wakes for normal feedings for his age. We are so thankful for this gift of sleep! Highly recommend it
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Ashlee S.
Wow! Who knew a weighted blanket would help my toddler sleep longer?! It’s the perfect size for my tall 2 1/2 yr old and there is plenty of room to grow! This was the only thing I changed to her sleep routine and she now sleeps in an hour to an hour and half longer. It’s so soft & cozy it makes me want one myself! This is 2 for 2 great experiences for me as my 8 month old sleeps with the weighted sleepsac. Thank you thank you for the amazing products that also gifted me more sleep :)
Dream Weighted Sleep Blanket for Kids & Toddlers Ages 3+ and/or 30+ lbs
Alison T.
This is our second! I might’ve written a review after our first . I used this bag to transition to a crib from the SNOO. I “double bagged” with arms in a different swaddle for the first sleep out of SNOO but as soon as DD got used to the fact she wasn’t in a “SNOO-straight-jacket”, she roled and we let her arms out. This is a great bag for wiggly babies at night.
Dream Weighted Sack, 12-24 mo.
Sarah J.
My husband and I are no strangers to sleep deprivation. Our three older children were horrible sleepers, so when our fourth came along and followed right in his siblings non-sleeping footsteps, we knew what we were in for. Having had poor sleepers in the past, we have tried EVERY sleep sack out there. If something even hinted at helping with sleep, we bought it and every time we were left feeling disappointed. I saw the pitch on Shark Tank for the Dreamland weighted sleep sack and thought it was...
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Marilou R.
Love love the Dream Sac purchase. My 7 month old has been in a similar sac and stitching has already come undone. With Dream Sac the quality is so much better. She loves it. I love it. Thank you Dreamland!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Mariah G.
Well, I’m a true believer. I wasn’t sure what to think at first because I couldn’t find much I formation about this product other than here on the website or what appeared to be incentivized reviews. But I took the leap and holy moly what a massive difference it made for us! I’ve had it for 10 days and our now 9 week old has slept through the night all but 2 times. She was already a decent sleeper- sleeping in cycles of 4, then 3, 3, and 2 hours. But literally the night we used this that changed...
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Amy T.
Our weighted blanket has been the perfect addition to my 4yo's bedtime routine. He wakes up in the middle of the night (every night) multiple times and most nights ends up in my bed. Things aren't perfect now, but with the weighted blanket, he's definitely waking up a whole lot less! He also falls asleep more quickly at night too. He has SPD and the weight is incredibly soothing for him. The blanket itself is super high-quality. It's beautiful and soft. We absolutely love it.
Dream Weighted Sleep Blanket for Kids & Toddlers Ages 3+ and/or 30+ lbs
Marybeth C.
Bought this for our 2 month old granddaughter who wasn’t sleeping more then 2 hours at a shot each night. From the first night she wore it, she’s increased her sleep time and is now up to 5+ hours at a shot. Yes, she’s gaining weight too and that is sure,y helping but she definitely likes this sleep sack. I went with the sack instead of the swaddle so she can get more wear out of it. She’s a big 2 month old at 13 lbs. and the packaging is beautiful!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Kit G.
Our 3 mo old baby is able to maneuver his arms out of swaddling and I wish he couldn’t, but it’s a great idea. Truly amazing to see how quickly it can soothe and calm a fretting baby. Thank you 🙏
Dream Weighted Sleep Swaddle & Sack, 0-6 months
Harriett B.
I purchased this item for my granddaughter who lives in Georgia she was so excited to receive it. Her first baby didnt do well sleeping through the nights she is anxious to try this special blanket when she has her baby boy in late July.
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 6-12 months old
Erin F.
I promise you that this sleepsack has changed sleep in our house! I am so happy it came in this larger size. My son is 12 months now and he's been using this (and sleeping) :) for 5 months through the night. It makes such a difference for everyone that we all sleep at night. Thank you for such a great product!
Dream Weighted Sleep Sack, 12-24 months old
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