BestLife4Pets Reviews

BestLife4Pets Reviews

Gail W.
My girl is 16 years old. This product has significantly decreased her water intake and calmed her cough. She is overall much better. Thank you.
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Helps Cat Weight Gain
Madeline M.
I have an older cat and she had a cold i used your product and she got well geeat stuff!
Breathe Easy for Cats - Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support
Cathy D.
It has helped relax our cat some with his losing his best friend. And we recently adopted a new little friend for him
Pet Relax Anxiety and Stress Relief for Cats
Carren B.
Since my cat started on the allergy pills, she seems to be wheezing less. She also seems to have a better appetite.
Cat Allergy Relief & Immune Support Remedy
Michael M.
Seems to be to working, alot cheaper than what his vet prescribed, which had a bad taste He has regular moments 2 or 3 days which is fine.
Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment
Christine B.
It is a great medicine for cats that can't breathe good. Sock is getting better each day. Thanks for your product.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
M. F.
Thank you for this natural product to help our cats to move again. Keep discovering ways to help our cats from pain and maladies.
Cat Hip and Joint Pain Relief - Effective Anti-inflammatory and Arthritis Pain Medicine (450 pills)
Mary R.
But I could use to give but I need to swap it out for the breathe easy I need that more than the dental
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
María P.
Amazing service and the Walk Easy is doing fabulous things for my dog ♥️
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Carl L.
Helps his coughing subside.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
Leon O.
My Napoleon is happy!
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
Ralph A.
De-wormer appears to be working! No more "wrigglers" on their hind quarters or in the litter box. Cars demeanor is back to normal. So far so good.
Homeopathic Broad Spectrum Dewormer for Cats & Kittens
Don C.
First I will say that the medicine does work pretty good. In all honesty my cat was really bad off and he's still recovering but he's doing better and I'm just going to have to take him to a vet anyway just to get totally rid of whatever is going on. But thanks to your medicine he has improved considerably so thank you.
Cat Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange (Scabies) & Ear Mite Remedy
Kevin J.
It’s doing wonderful I had to cut back on the dosage she started having diarrhea and throwing up other than that her hair is coming back on her tail and coat is shining
Healthy Skin & Coat for Dogs
Kristi S.
I like this product, as I was using childrens allegra allergy tablets and had to scrape them into my little 6 lb dogs food as she was no where near even the size of a 15 -25 lb infant. And on top of it the only flavor they had was grape, However, it was taking too long to receive them directly from your company, so I ordered them from Amazon, and also, ordered the clear air ways, and received them within 1-2 days, hope they are one of your merchants who deliver your products.
Dog Allergy & Immune Support Remedy
Tamra C.
I recently purchased Hypo Balance Thyroid Care for my Dorgi. She is 7 and has always struggled with her weight. I have only had Nala on this product for a couple weeks, So there is no change yet,But I am hopeful that she will lose some weight with this product. The customer service has been 5 stars for sure. I will complete another review in a couple months..
Dog & Cat Weight Loss & Hypothyroid Support Remedy
Sharleen P.
Great for relaxing pets. I give daily to my hyper cat and my anxiety cat. One dose helps all day. Love the products.
Cat Pet Relax Anxiety & Stress Relief Remedy
Lauren C.
My cat will smell meds a mile away and absolutely not touch any food where I've hidden them. When I saw I would have to give him THREE pills per morning + night, I was worried I was throwing money away. But it is true that these have no taste and smell because he has been none the wiser! It's been about 3 weeks now and I DO feel like he's experiencing some ease with his joint pain. I may up the dose to see if it works any better, but until I talk to my vet during our annual exam, I think these h...
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Shirley J.
Hello. I have started Leo on the walk ease supplement and I think I see some improvement. I expect that the longer he is on this the more improvement I will see. It does seem that his stiffness and pain has improved somewhat.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
Linda H.
Your products seem to be working for our Tybee very good. His hair is getting nice and thick and he is not itching hardly at all.
Dog Allergy & Immune Support Supplement
Lynn M.
I have had to dissolve the pills in my cat’s wet food with some water added. I wish they dissolved better. But her constipation is alleviated so I think they are working.
Cat Laxative & Constipation Remedy
Gabriella G.
My seven mini dachshund 8 month old puppies have been less aggressive since taking these vitamins! Less fights amongst one another! Will be buying again!
Dog Peaceful Paws Aggression & Noise Phobia Remedy
Loretta L.
A word of advice with senior dogs… I knew my dogs eyesight was declining but had no idea that he was injuring them until the sunlight shined in his eyes and I saw blood in one. I took him to the vet and the test showed both eyes were scratched and one had been poked. They gave him antibiotic drops but the bad eye still got worse. It didn’t even look like an eye anymore. I’d take him back to the vet but he seems worse when I do so I ordered your product and an herbal supplement for dogs eyes. I a...
Natural Dog Eye Infection Treatment - Helps Conjunctivitis, Watery Eyes, Red Eye, and General Eye Care
Nancy K.
Super fast delivery and seems to be helping my girl so far 🤞🏼🙏🏼 definitely recommend
Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy
Nancy J.
Two cats are constantly shaking their heads. One seems to have stopped. The other one has had both of his ears turned into cauliflower ears. One year has had it twice and we have a doctor appointment this week so I’m hoping they tell me things are better. We won’t ever go through this again.
Ear Infection & Itch Relief for Dogs and Cats
Kelli C.
I have two 16-year-old cats. They both were losing weight and were hungry all the time. We are starting using the hyperthyroid medication and one has gained some weight back, the other one is slowly gaining weight. Both of their hair looks awesome now. One has long hair, and it was matting and now it looks good. We have only been using this product a couple of weeks, but see some improvement in both of them.
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
Susan F.
It’s only. When a couple of weeks using your product. Her breath smells better. Haven’t noticed any change in the redness of her gums. Will keep using it to see if it improves.
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
Shirley J.
my Leo has been using this supplement for at least a year now. it's been working well for his atopic dermatitis Thanks.
Cat Itchy Skin & Healthy Coat Remedy
Eric C.
No words to describe my little cat now can see again thankyou so much best lufe 4 pets store recomended
Cat Eye Infection, Eye Care & Vision Support
Doreen B.
I have many cats and I am on week 3 of putting 2 pills in their morning wet food and 2 pills in their evening wet food. Their ears are better but it is slow going. I hope to see pink ears soon. Thx for the pills.
Ear Infection & Itch Relief Treatment for Dogs and Cats - Helps Ear Problems such as Otitis, Lesions and Papules
Dennis H.
Found out my basset had impacted glands. Been taking her to the Vet to have them expressed once a month for about a year now. Tried a supplement recommended by the Vet, but it didn't seem to help. So decided to try your scoot stopper. She's been on it about 4 months and she's showing improvement. We're now going every 6 weeks to have her expressed and reports are better each time. And we've noticed that she's not scooting after she goes. Also, just recently acquired another basset and she has pr...
Dog & Cat Scoot Stopper & Anal Gland Remedy
Donna M.
i have told my friends about your med and they were yust how youre produet that their cat was doing so much better
Cat Constipation Relief and Natural Laxative - 450 Pills
Troy K.
It seems to be working fine. I crush two tablets up and put it her food and she eats it up. She doesn't even know she's ingesting them.
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
Susan H.
Again too early to tell but there’s hope- otherwise it would be 5 stars - I’m just grateful for a much better option- not a fan of constant antibiotics and onsior since I swear it’s what killed 1or 3@2of my others cats / pray I can be completely homeopathic- loving this option
Natural Cat UTI Remedy - Feline Kidney Stones, Bladder & Kidney Infection Treatment
Ann S.
Not only does Carly exhibit less scratching, but her coat has is much improved. We are very impressed with this product.
Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) Relief for Dogs
Ray S.
I just started a regimen of these pills last night for my 5y/o pup. Rembrandt, my dog, is small, black, and he's a mutt. I don't know if this stuff is affected by breeding or not. The sparse-but-positive reviews on this product make me nervous. I'll be back in a month. If I don't see significant change I'm going to have to personally consider it a scam. I'm also screen-shotting this in case my review gets deleted.
Demodectic and Sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) Relief for Dogs
Christine T.
Works great for my 40 cats dissolve in water wish it was already in liquid form with gallons measured amount for a multiple cat home
Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy
Randy P.
About six years ago my wife and I were feeding Five cats who showed up on our property and we made sure they were spayed neutered. One morning we woke up to 30 cats on our deck. After investigating, we discovered that one of the neighbors up the street had been feeding these cats, but never bothered to have them spayed or neuter. He had gotten down in his health and so we took over feeding them and over the last five or six years we’ve spayed neutered all of them. We’re down to about 20 now and ...
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
Jan F.
In the beginning, it took some cortisone cream to stop the outbreaks above her eyes up to her ears, but now that does not seem to be coming back and I am relying on your pills only. My cat still pulls at the fur on places on her body but much less often since I started the pills. The directions on your pills say two to three pills twice a day so I started with two. After several weeks now I am giving her three twice a day to see if that might tip the balance.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
Rosalia T.
My sneezy cats are doing so much better since I started giving them this remedy ~ thank you! I'm a big believer in the efficacy of homeopathy!
Breathe Easy Respiratory Support & Asthma Remedy for Cats - Eases Cat Flu, Cough, Cold and Runny Nose - (450 pills)
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