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BestLife4Pets Reviews

undefined review of Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy image 1 out of 1
Laureen C.
My Dusty has had bad dental problems for a while, some teeth have fallen out by themselves but I did not want to put him through surgery for he is a diabetic, with that being said your product has helped him immensely and I would like to thank you for making such a wonderful products that work . Dusty and I thank you Sincerely Laureen Coscia
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy
undefined review of Dog Bad Breath & Dental Care Solution image 1 out of 1
Adriana R.
One of the best doggy products I've ever bought. My Chanel’s oral health has improved tremendously, with cleaner teeth and fresh breath. I'm sorry happy i decided to buy this product that i started to try Walk-Easy for my hips and joints. Best decision ever.
Dog Bad Breath & Dental Care Solution
undefined review of Cat Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange (Scabies) & Ear Mite Remedy image 1 out of 5+4
Susan L.
Lulu was so miserable when she contracted a serious case of mange. She dug at her skin until it bled, hid from us and even stopped eating. He vet saw her multiple times and could only offer steroid injections, creams and clothing. None of those worked for Lulu. I found these BestLife4pets Mange Relief tablets and ordered a bottle. I had little hope these or anything else would save Lulu. She had developed a suprainfection by this time. I was surprised to find that she would take them mixed into...
Cat Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange (Scabies) & Ear Mite Remedy
undefined review of Dog & Cat Scoot Stopper & Anal Gland Remedy image 1 out of 1
Mary C.
I love this product. She's stopped scooting and no more odor. She's very happy and laid back now. This is my 3rd bottle. It works and I'm happy it's natural.
Dog & Cat Scoot Stopper & Anal Gland Remedy
undefined review of Natural Weight Loss & Thyroid Support Supplement for Dogs & Cats image 1 out of 2+1
Dorothy H.
Camilla is a chihuahua pomeranian cross. she was spayed at 1 year she when she was 7 lbs. I got her from her breeder at 5 years old and 15lbs. She was more than 100% over weight. She lost 5 lbs on 1/2 kibble recommended for her goal weight. She needs to loose 3 more lbs. I tried your product, and she's got energy and has lost some weight. I'm most happy with the results. The second dog, Sophie, is a yorkie schnauzer mix. She's 15 years old, she was chubby, she was loosing hair, and her skin ...
Natural Weight Loss & Thyroid Support Supplement for Dogs & Cats
undefined review of Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy image 1 out of 3+2
Sharleen P.
I started using this because one of my cats has had gum problems and had to have some teeth removed. I have been using some other things along with this for a couple of years and so far his gums look good to the vet and no more teeth went bad. Hopefully this helps all my cats with keeping their gums healthy. I put it in their wet food and in their water with other plaque fighting stuff.
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
undefined review of Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment image 1 out of 2+1
Dianne J.
Milo suffers with the abdominal pains of constipation, causing her discomfort and physical discomfort. After administering your product, I have observed her regaining her appetite and appears content. I am so pleased with the effects your product has had on Milo.
Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment
undefined review of Cat Weight Gain + Hyperthyroidism Support Remedy image 1 out of 1
Kelly B.
Melo is 8 years old, started rapidly losing weight starting probably August, acted like he was starving and his coat was terrible looking. I kept putting off taking him to the vet because he was still lovey , playing with other cats and going outside. I started looking on the internet with his symptoms and it seemed he had hypothyroidism, your product came up, I read the reviews and it sure sounded like Melo, bought two bottles, but then he took a turn for the worse and i ended up taking him to ...
Cat Weight Gain + Hyperthyroidism Support Remedy
undefined review of Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy image 1 out of 1
Rebecca M.
I have 21 cats and a dog. My cat Callie has eosinophilic dermatitis with pyoderma. She has been on multiple meds, with no improvement. Since she started Best life for Pets products, she has improved dramatically. I have several of your products, and I am amazed how all of Best Life for Pets products work very well. I will keep all my kitties on your products. They are all great! From the eye, skin, allergy, breathe, and dental, they are all working great for my kitties. I highly recommend...
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
undefined review of Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy image 1 out of 2+1
Jo Ann S.
I’ve been using few of your great supplements for the better part of a year and the are excellent. I recently started the dental ones and they are equally effective. Kitty’s breath is so much better! Consistency is the key to effectiveness. I will continue to use all of them and thank you! 🙏🏼
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
undefined review of Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy image 1 out of 1
Lucie D.
I am using your products for 2 weeks and I see improvement on my cat. He has less pain and his Appetit is much better. My question is how long i should give to my cat this medication? Do I have to order more?
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy
undefined review of Cat Laxative & Constipation Remedy image 1 out of 1
Wayne R.
My cat Bush is 20 years old and suffers from kidney failure. This Bestlife4Pets laxative has done a great job keeping him regular and happy. Thank you for a great product that helps my friend.
Cat Laxative & Constipation Remedy
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Susan P.
Momma cat was having a lot of mucus in her throat and trouble breathing. After many vet visits, antibiotics, and steroids the problem kept returning. I saw an ad for Breathe Easy and ordered it. It is easy to give to my cat since it melts once in her mouth. Her mucus problem is much better. I also changed her food again to a much higher quality.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy image 1 out of 1
Judit K.
Marcipan(3y male cat) have been dealing with a chronic rhinitis since he was a kitten. His nose had been always stuffy to the point I could find him where he was hiding just by following the noise as he was trying to breathe. He struggled with constant coughing and wheezing from time to time and nothing gave him relief. We tried everything including multiple antibiotics, lysine but after a few weeks improvement his symptoms got and even worse. I was at the point to give him a saline sinus flush ...
Cat Cold, Sneezing & Respiratory Support Remedy
undefined review of Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy image 1 out of 1
Linda W.
I adopted KitKat as a part feral cat & she had very bad teeth. After removing 5 she seemed to still have dental issues until I started using the Dental Care & she is much better after only two weeks. She can eat better & doesn’t drool as much! Thank you for a great product. Gratefully Linda W.
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
undefined review of Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health image 1 out of 1
Dorine B.
My baby came to me as a rescue. He was in bad shape. He was full of worms, and had really bad breath. My vet got rid of the worms ,but did nothing for his breath. I found Bestlife4pets-Oral health. I started with 3tabs 2x day , then after two weeks , 2tabs 2x day. His breath is normal and he has new spunk. He seems happier ,more playful and will climb on my lap now. I am more than satisfied with this product.
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
undefined review of Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites image 1 out of 2+1
Laura K.
Poirot is one of several stray siblings we have rescued and she still suffers from occasional issues with her fur, initially mites—no doubt to living outdoors for years—and a bit of mange or thinning fur. Since we couldn’t get her to the vet—it took 4+ years to catch her in a carrier after feeding her outdoors all that time, we needed to give her something in her food. This product helped her fully recover and regain beautiful thick coat. Now we give her some one week a month as preventive main...
Mange Treatment for Cats - Treats Feline Sarcoptic & Demodectic Mange, Scabies & Ear Mites
undefined review of WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions image 1 out of 1
Ana S.
We started giving this product to our Sissy because she was having trouble walking and was in obvious pain, and the supplements we’ve been giving her for her arthritis weren’t working as well anymore. Within a couple of weeks we noticed a marked difference in her gait and she’s sleeping much better too. We highly recommend this natural option for your beloved pet.
WALK-EASY® Joint and Hip Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats - Helps Arthritis, Torn Ligament and Other Joint Conditions
undefined review of Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain image 1 out of 2+1
Robert K.
Thank you🙏🙏🙏 I am so pleased with this product! Bella was on her last life for sure. Our 14 year old Bella was tested by a vet and found to have thyroid problems they wanted to put her on meds. After researching the harshness of these drugs we looked online for a natural alternative and found this product! It has completely healed Bella, she has gained weight, her eating habits have improved and best of all, she is happy and getting close to her 16th B-day. Also, this product is tasteless, I tes...
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
undefined review of Cat UTI & Kidney Support Remedy image 1 out of 2+1
Deb S.
BB, calico, and daughter Kashka are prone to uti's. Since using your product there hasn't been any reoccurrences😁. They're high strung and very territorial so I think that was half the problem. Thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed. At this point in time I have 8 cats on this med so I'm sure to grab discounts anytime I can.
Cat UTI & Kidney Support Remedy
undefined review of Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain image 1 out of 1
Barbara P.
Sapphire is 18 years young ! She definitely is feeling and looking much better since starting the hyperthyroid supplement. It’s wonderful to have an alternative to the costly and stressful treatments offered by traditional medicine. Thanks very much! 😻
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
undefined review of Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution image 1 out of 1
Dot B.
Francesca was losing teeth and seemed to be less comfortable eating. Since stating to use Oral Health for Cats she is more playful and eating much better. Seems to be making a big difference.
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
undefined review of Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy image 1 out of 1
Rebecca A.
My 1 1/2 year old cat, Frank, started having terrible breath and seemed to have a respiratory issue, so I took him to the vet and they said he had gingivitis that was so bad, the respiratory problem was the result of an immune response by his body to the stomatitis. They said the only option was to pull all of his teeth. I wanted to try another option before making my very young cat toothless. He's an indoor cat and doesn't "really " need teeth, I guess, but I gave this product a shot. Abou...
Cat Dental Care & Bad Breath Remedy
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Erin S.
Curtis is just 4 years old. He suddenly started acting lathargic and drinking excessive water. After 2 days in the hospital, he was diagnosed with diabetes, kidney issues, and possibly pancreatic issues. As we got the diabetes under control through diet, he started coughing..constantly. He would cough all night long; keeping him and us up. It was a terrible feeling not being able to help him. We thought it was hairballs because he was excessively grooming but nothing would come up. Back to the v...
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution image 1 out of 1
Susan R.
Willy was diagnosed with stomatitis. Though this product did not cure it made him comfortable enough to eat and gain some weight so they could remove the teeth they needed to help him. Highly recommend.
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
undefined review of WALK-EASY™ Extra Strength Natural Pain Relief for Dogs - Helps Dog Joint Pain, Arthritis, ACL, Limping and More image 1 out of 1
Jeff R.
Our dog Ellie is a 55lb, 10 year old, female Catahoula mix. She has always been very active and is at her ideal weight. A few months ago, she started having a slight limp in her gait. It would come & go and didn’t seem to deter her, so we basically just ignored it. But then the limp got much more pronounced, causing her breathe hard and even cut her beloved walks short. She began to just lay around, and it was a labored process for her to even get back up on her feet – it was heartbreaking ...
WALK-EASY™ Extra Strength Natural Pain Relief for Dogs - Helps Dog Joint Pain, Arthritis, ACL, Limping and More
undefined review of Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy image 1 out of 2+1
Yusimi P.
My poor baby was scratching his neck a lot, the vet prescribed antifungal cream but it didn't help much. I was searching online for medication or something else to help him to get better and I saw this product and after read some of the customer reviews I decided to buy it. I can tell you it works!!!! It takes time but I can see my cat relief from scratch. And back to be himself, playful ,and a happy kitten. Thank you very much!!!!! I post some of the pictures.
Healthy Skin for Cats - Cat Miliary Dermatitis, Skin Allergy & Cat Scabs Remedy
undefined review of Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment image 1 out of 5+4
Kimberly S.
My white cat Sammy has long hair and when he was a kitten developed crystals in his urine and when he was older diagnosed with mega colon which I treat with prescription hard food and lactulose and miralax. The lactulose was liquid and difficult to give to my cat. The medicine ended up on him myself the carpet and the wall: since finding these pills and finding the right does for Sammy he has been pooping regularly. I give three pills throughout the day and I still sprinkle a small amount of mir...
Natural Cat Laxative & Constipation Treatment
undefined review of Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health image 1 out of 1
Stephany C.
Sweetpea had terrible breath and tarter on his teeth. I give him 2 pills orally at night and he has no problem taking them. They are small and he just swallows them easily. I have already noticed his breath is better and his teeth are also looking much better!!! I will definitely be ordering more and recommend this product to other cat Moms!
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
undefined review of Natural Dog Eye Infection Treatment  - Helps Conjunctivitis, Watery Eyes, Red Eye, and General Eye Care image 1 out of 1
Larry W.
Almost three years ago my dog then 9 years old was having difficulty uprighting herself and walking. My veterinarian prescribed some medication didn’t see any real improvement. After some research found Walk and Easy saw big improvements in her mobility though she doesn’t run and chase frisbee’s she walks without any signs of discomfort. Now I started your eye medication for some discharge issues and after just a short period of use already seeing improvement. The size of your pills and no taste...
Natural Dog Eye Infection Treatment - Helps Conjunctivitis, Watery Eyes, Red Eye, and General Eye Care
undefined review of Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health image 1 out of 1
Pamela V.
I bought the pills for cats' oral health, our boy was drooling and unable to clean himself. I felt he was too old (17) for dental surgery to remove his teeth. Within days of starting this, he was no longer drooling and was clean again. He needs more some days, sometimes 2 or 3 pills some days 4 or 5. We have another senior cat and started giving them to her, she is doing great now.
Cat Dental Care and Bad Breath Remedy - Natural Solution for Better Feline Oral Health
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 2+1
Juliann C.
This product really works! I have a 15yr old with Fiv who has uri’s throughout the year. Its really heartbreaking to see your baby suffering with the coughing and runny noses. After the 3rd day of taking the pills he’s gone from having coughing attacks 3-4 times daily to once a day. His runny nose has almost dried up too. I’m so happy I found this product! It’s really working on my baby.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Anne W.
My cat is a new immigrant. When he first arrived in the United States, he kept sneezing and had a runny nose. Seeing the doctor didn't help. He started taking this product every day for three weeks. Now he sneezes occasionally, but the runny nose has stopped. I will continue to give it to him.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Christine G.
My boy Ming has been suffering from a respiratory disease for a few years now. My doctor put him on human decongestants that never worked. My husband found you guys online and we ordered the Breath Easy. He breaths so much better and doesn’t have sneezing fits anymore.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution image 1 out of 2+1
Diana E.
My 2 year old kitty Bella has a gum virus stomatitis. This makes her gums slightly red and inflamed. Her gums bleed when I brush her teeth. I assume this would make her mouth sore as well. I tried this product and it seems to be working! Her gums look less red and inflamed. So easy to crush the tiny pills and put in her food. She doesn't detect ANY taste from it. I would recommend this product for your kitty that may have mouth pain and could potentially have worse periodontal problems in the ...
Oral Health for Cats Dental Treatment - Natural Stomatitis, Gum Disease and Gingivitis Solution
undefined review of Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain image 1 out of 1
Sharon L.
Ellis is the dark colored cat in the pic I sent. He's 17 yeats old, so we are not expecting a miracle. He seemed better a few weeks after taking the product. Today he's moppy. Thanks for helping us try to make him better. We took him to the vet back in August and didn't have too much hope! Thats bee a while and we are grateful for everyday we get to spend with him. Thanks for helping us! Sharon Lovenbury
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
undefined review of Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain image 1 out of 1
Nancy R.
I have an older cat who was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism a few months ago. He wasn’t doing very well despite being on prescription medication. I added this supplement to his diet and the change in him has really been remarkable! You can tell that he is feeling better. He has an appointment next week for bloodwork and I’m interested to find out what the results are. Previously his lab value was so high, that it was off the chart. I’m very pleased with the results I’m seeing thus far.
Hyperthyroidism Supplement for Cats - Treats Cat Hyperthyroid, Patchy Hair Loss, and Helps Cat Weight Gain
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing image 1 out of 1
Vivian A.
In just a few days she started to get better . She was in misery before now she up and playing and breathing so much better . Great product !!!! 😻😻😻😻.
Breathe Easy for Cats - Respiratory Support for Asthma, Cat Cold and Sneezing
undefined review of Breathe Easy for Dogs - Respiratory Support and Kennel Cough Remedy image 1 out of 1
Maria V.
ShaSha started taking Breathe Easy on November 27, 2023. She's so much better and no longer struggling to breathe. I didn't think she was going to make after November 17, 2023. She was lifeless and no longer eating or drinking. On November 3, 2023, she was diagnosed with a collapsed trachea and an enlarged heart. I was told there was nothing to be done as she's 13 years old. I started looking online and came across this medication. I really all the reviews and I just had to give it a try. In the...
Breathe Easy for Dogs - Respiratory Support and Kennel Cough Remedy
undefined review of Natural Hepatic Liver Support for Cats image 1 out of 1
Maria V.
I started BlackJack on the Hepatic Liver Support pills on the 4th of April, and she's doing so much better after only 18 days. The vet gave me some pills a little bigger than a tic tac, talk about traumating her with a pill gun. I wasn't about to do that for 10 days. She's finally calling me "mom" again, and it's been weeks since I last heard her sweet voice. She's finally eating on her own, and she's back to sleeping next to my bed and not under it. Thank you once again BestLife4Pets, you've gi...
Natural Hepatic Liver Support for Cats
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