Dairy Diva

Dairy Diva Reviews

undefined review of Dairy Diva image 1 out of 1
Erin G.
I was on the verge of giving up breast feeding! I was barely making enough to keep my little girl satisfied and I was going to start school soon. I was making about 1.5-2.5 oz per breast every 3 hours and it just wasn’t enough. I had no back stash and I was getting really defeated! I took the quiz and realized fenugreek isn’t for women with PCOS and Euphoric Herbals suggested Dairy Diva! I’m happy to say after a long week of taking these guys I’m making 3-4 oz PER BREAST every three hours 🥰! Thi...
undefined review of Dairy Diva image 1 out of 1
Tracie S.
I was super impressed with this product and I’m looking forward to trying the other supplements as well on my breastfeeding journey! I had awesome supply like 12oz every 3 hrs and at the 3 week mark my supply tanked to about 3-4oz! The first time I tried this after about 40mins I felt the difference and pumped 8oz! It’s really helped me to continue to nurse! Thank you for a great product!
Madeline S.
It helps with my supply
Robyn Ann L.
My breast starting filling up more
undefined review of Dairy Diva image 1 out of 1
Kody C.
These helped maintain supply but I didn’t see much of a difference.
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