Kiddo Yes You Can!

Kiddo Yes You Can! Reviews

undefined review of Kiddo Yes You Can! image 1 out of 1
Jan R.
I love this purple shirt: Kiddo, yes you can! I need it in a print. I have one little fellow in my classroom who is scared to take risks and today he shown so brightly. I wore my shirt Monday and reminded him today, "Kiddo, yes you can! Just like my shirt says." When he finished his task and he had completed it independently and correctly he smiled and said, "Yes I can do it!" That moment was worth it all. I wish I could share a pic of him! He is the real star!
Catherine B.
This shirt is absolutely perfect for my students!! I have sooo many of them that tell me, “This is too hard!!” “I can’t does this!” “I don’t know how to do it!” While I get that my classroom is basically their first time doing these kinds of activities, they don’t seem to understand how easy I have made it for them! I have set them up for success! And I KNOW they CAN DO IT!! This shirt is a reminder to them and every time I wear it they hear me say, “Yes!! You CAN do it!”
undefined review of Kiddo Yes You Can! image 1 out of 1
Dawn C.
I teach 3rd grade Math and Science. My students loved the shirt! Thank you for a goodie :)
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