undefined review of Grove Bags with TerpLoc, Curing & Storage Bags, Opaque Pouches image 1 out of 1
I use the Cvault filled with my parsley for Christmas presents to good friends . I use small Grove bags filled with my parsley to friends who are not as good! need some more, want to get my shopping done early
Item type:
1/2 Oz / 1 Bag
They work great, looking to buy more items this company
Item type:
1/2 LB / 1 Bag
Great product, fast shipping, and fair price. Very satisfied!!!
Item type:
1 Oz / 1 Bag
I hung my olants a little to long they were really dry after trimming and placing them In the RH bags there was a rehydration that took ace and now it's perfect
Item type:
1 Oz / 10 Bags