Plants have been in the soil for only too weeks and they seem to be loving it.
Item type:
2 Bags
I will write a new review once veg stage is over then I will finish another review after flower. Would love to give 5 stars but right now I cannot. Drainage is great, love the nutrient levels provided and the mix is nice and airy which I love, the only complaint I have is that fungus gnats were already living in the soil. Brand new tent no gnats no bugs up until I filled 6 seedling cups with the soil and boom fungus gnats on the first watering. Before watering my 5 gallon pots when the time co...
Item type:
4 Bags
Hey, I just wanted to leave a review real quick for happy Hydro. All my plants are in living soil that I got from. Happy Hydro. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about happy Hydro in anyway if I need it I’ll get it from them. Thanks for everything guys.
Item type:
1 Bag
Lush by roots I honestly haven’t harvested the final product but the look and smell the texture and the good good in it. I’m bettn it going to do jus fine.
Item type:
2 Bags