undefined review of Outdoor Growing Kit 10 Gallon image 1 out of 1
Living soil and Gaia green are doing amazing for my first grow.
Item type:
10 Gallon Pot | 1x Sohum | 1.1lb Power Bloom | 1x IPM | Harvest Ready
Item was as described and it came very quickly.
Item type:
10 Gallon Pot | 1x Sohum | 1.1lb Power Bloom | 1x IPM | Harvest Ready
Everything csme as expected! Hooe to get some big plants this year the customer service i received was phenominal.
Item type:
8x 10 Gallon Pot | 8x Sohum | 4.4lb Power Bloom | 1x Concentrate IPM & Sprayer | Harvest Ready
Item type:
10 Gallon Pot | 1x Sohum | 1.1lb Power Bloom | 1x IPM | Harvest Ready