Cheryl I.Verified
Works real good
Bob F.Verified
Two dogs : Dane Great & long haired Doxie N. Mich. lots of snow when they come in tracking in the new matt catches most as they walk over it. it drys out quickly works great , glad I bought it!! Bob
Robert G.Verified
Solved the problem of cat litter tracking out. Thanks for a great product.
Sheri V.Verified
Spring and fall in central NY is super muddy. Thank you!
Jennifer Z.Verified
Good stuff
Susan S.Verified
My floors are staying cleaner since putting the rug in front of the doggy door.
Josephjoseph B.Verified
It works
Donald S.Verified
We really LOVE these rugs!! We have dark wood floors and 2 huskies!! Used to be a battle with paw prints in the winter and spring, but these rugs really help keep it way down!! Hardest thing with these is keeping the huskies from thinking that its a pull toy, and keeping the beagle from thinking using it as a bed!! ( He loves sleeping on it, must be super comfortable too!!) Liked it so much in the house, I got an extra for the truck to keep mud prints down after the park!! Well worth the cost!!
Robert L.Verified
Great for snow and mud