Joanna M. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 2+1
Joanna M.
Started on Joint Flex+ a little under 30 days ago and I see a HUGE difference in my mare already. She is 8 y/o and I use her for rodeo and everything in between. She gets a big sore after 2/3 days of traveling. Since starting this supplement she hasn’t missed a beat! Pull her right out of her stall and get right into it! I can tell she feels a lot better. This is the *only* thing I’ve changed in her life in the past 90 days, so I have full faith in this product. Fixing to put my senior on it fo...
Josetta C. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Josetta C.
My 22y/o OTTB has been showing typical aging signs of arthritis. Within a week, he was playing with his pasture mates again, and cantering through our fields. So far, so good!
Ashley L. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Ashley L.
All 100X products WORK! I will never be without them.
Joseph W. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Joseph W.
Great product.
Darlene M. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Darlene M.
I have been using Joint Flex Plus for our horses for several years. The ages range from 11 to 22 years and all of the horses are still able to keep working and moving well. I give the credit to 100 X's Equine for a great product at an affordable price.
Jenna D. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Jenna D.
I love my supplements from 100x Equine! My horses joint injections last longer on the joint flex, she’s 19 and moves amazing, no joint clicking, no soreness after jumping. I have treated her for ulcers 3 times and not once since starting on the Gut X!! She eats great, she feels great, and she looks great!! Very happy customer!
Mary K. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Mary K.
I started StarCloud on Joint Flex because of his age. He really wasn't having joint issues per sae but I noticed he had difficulties going down steep hills. He would rather go at a slant instead of straight down. Since I started him on Joint Flex, I suddenly realized he was traveling downhill straighter.
Lacey B. review of Joint Flex » 50% Savings image 1 out of 1
Lacey B.
My 18 year old gelding had a rough life before I got him. He has early arthritis in his hips and he started to get really choppy and rough when I rode him. I saw all the reviews on the JointFlex and figured I'd give it a try. He's doing so well! Comet is back to being comfortable and striding out again!