Patrick B.
I have found it interesting to see what it is my genes might say about my nutrition but must admit I expected to find out much more information than I already knew as far as optimal foods and what's good and bad for me. So if you are looking for an interesting place to begin or a good foundation GenoPalate can be that place but if you are like me and have been honing in your diet for several years and trying new and different things then GenoPalate you might find to be worth the time or money. I...
Michael D.
I ran a few DNA tests with a few companies and this one had the clearest results with actionable steps. I appreciated the clarity and guidance.
Pamela S.
Loved what was suggested for my food groups, wish you all could do a meal sample menu for breakfast lunch and dinner..
N V.
The science is very impressive. I love participating in an emerging health genetics field. Great promise for more tailored and effective Nutriton advise.
Deann K.
I love having suggestions for foods that will help me personally. Also, I have always told my siblings that i don't seen to get full as others do. That was verified by one of my genes. I was told that I was one of the people that were sensitive to sodium and I do notice that. Very informative!
This is a really cool service! It was neat to see how accurate the results were for my sensitivities. I loved that I can filter to get the best foods for me, based on my personal lifestyle (gluten-free and vegan). They had a variety of my best foods as well as great and good. I liked having so many optimal options and am excited to try some new beneficial foods based on DNA. As a mom, I love that I can also give my son my beneficial foods since he shares my DNA with me. The app is very clear and...
Andrew B.
I tried this service using the DNA off my Ancestry DNA. I had tons of stomach issues. Turns out I have a sensitivity to gluten. I cut gluten out of my diet and have had zero GI problems since! Great service and you don't have to dish out for a separate DNA test from another company. Cheaper too!
Susan B.
GenoPalate's information is presented very clearly (and with beautiful graphics), and their online orientation was very informative and professional, well worth the time.
Virginia W.
Seems like a great site and worth the money
Donna J.
Excited! The 45 minute seminar provided an excellent foundation for being able to understand my report when I receive it. The detail in the report is extensive and the support will make it easy to incorporate changes to my daily diet.
Connie M.
It was a very good overview of the entire program. I hadn't ordered the recipe plan when I purchased the program, but your suggestions for how to put together different recipes using my suggestions for food groups made sense and will use it:)
Elizabeth D.
I am in the learning phase being a new enrollee but I was very interested to see the suggestions of foods and vitamins I should focus on as well as confirmation about alcohol sensitivity. I truly believe this to be a genetic trait and does run in my family. I will be exploring more of the food suggestions and have ordered the vitamins. I'm very interested to see how the vitamins work for me.
I enjoyed the information that was presented and learned more about my purchase. However, the presentation felt rushed because of the limited 45-minutes that the forum allows and reduced by anyone who checked in early, such as I did, 15 to 20 minutes early. So, perhaps sharing that information and asking that people only log in within a 5-minute timeframe to have more time to have their questions answered before the session times out might be a good idea.
Linda S.
The report told me a few things I’ve learned on my own over the years and many things I wasn’t sure of. It has given me a clear direction of what to strive for and what to avoid. For example I’ve tried Keto diets but they really didn’t do anything for me. Now I know why because my analysis showed I need to eat carbs. So I don’t have to worry too much about eating too many carbs but just stay within the amount the analysis gave. Same w/protein-I used to worry about whether I was eating enough pro...
Instructions to send in my DNA sample were clear and easy. I love the App, which gave me immediate access to my very detailed results. I believe in the science of it, because foods that were not included in my analysis included things I’m allergic to or have an intolerance to. As a CPT and wellness expert, these results will not only take my health to the next level, but I will definitely be recommending it to all of my clients.
Truckee M.
This session is an absolute REQUIREMENT for satisfaction by your customers, as it details the real connections between genotype, food and health. Presenter did a fine job. Only complaint is that it is ridiculous that there is a 45 minute limit to the session - pay more to WebEx or ZOOM and have longer meetings!
Erin C.
I found Genoplate to be an insightful and interesting process, I’m losing weight and feel great.
Brian J.
I normally don't post reviews for products/services, but felt compelled to due to my very positive experience. I was a new customer to GenoPalate and also new to this concept of using my genetic test results to customize a food plans and supplements. I was pleasantly surprised by the results, as they were insightful and appeared to be very accurate with regard to sensitivities, and the personalized health session made it a great value - it has changed the way I eat. But the best part was the cus...
This was a wonderful experience for me. It explained to me why fad diets never worked for me. Now I know what genetically works for me. Awesome.
I felt my results made sense and were very useful for me. I will be following the recommended foods list and I have a feeling it will only prove to help me feel better, and get rid of many symptoms I currently have. It confirmed my suspicion of having a gluten sensitivity! And also my alcohol tolerance and how my system reacts to it was so good to learn. This is GREAT for me. I will be avoiding gluten now for sure. Great information and quick too! I already had DNA results from Ancestry's DNA pr...