undefined review of The Original Kenko Back Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Craig M.
Very pleased with this, helps relieve my neck and upper back pain. I would recommend this to anyone who suffers from neck pain.
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Get 1 Neck Cloud
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Robert D.
This has pretty instant results! In about 10 minutes my neck feels great. It has been a daily routine to lay down with this and begin the process of correcting my posture. This is a great entry-level device. Sort of a gateway tool to feel better and slowly try more advanced options. This is lovely and I highly recommend it!
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Krista G.
My neck use to always hurt when folding laundry and other times. This is slowly helping with that. I l use it for about 10 minutes a day.
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Kirsty M.
Please read the review I put in the attached photo of the email I sent you , thanks , I give it 5 star The email said if I wrote a review I could have the product refunded I use it daily and think it is great, I’ve recommended it to friends
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undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Jenni W.
Excellent product loving it after only 3 days
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Josie C.
I can stop anytime and rest on the neck cloud Such improvement in my sleep
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undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Sibukiso D.
I have been suffering with the neck pain since 2005 and thought It was due to my sleeping position. It was getting worse ,trying neck exercise as advised by physiotherapist also referred to neuropathy.sometimes get up in the morning my one side of my neck is swollen ,using ice ,rubbing cream taking pain relief but all didn’t work.I saw this neck kenkoback advertised on face book and think let me try one .You won’t believe this, no pain,I can see my neck both sides straight,I can turn my neck all...
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Rt T.
The neck cloud is simply amazing! The neck pain is gone after 2-3 usage. I wish i knew this product earlier to save me hundreds of dollars on neck massage package ! Sharing this great product with my friend and she just placed her order recently ! Thanks Kenko Back !
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undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Shaun S.
After using the back and neck cloud for a few days in a row I already feel a release of tension in both my neck and back. As a massage therapist I am using both products to pre-release tension in my clients before going deeper with my therapy! I highly recommend these products.
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undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Jennifer C.
This is amazing! And coupled with the pillow, I sleep so sound and I haven’t woke up with a headache at all. Worth it in my opinion!
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Miguel B.
I opened the package and immediately put it behind my neck while watching the game! I'm going to order the small one now! This is the best thing since sliced bread!
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Chris C.
I definitely recommend this for helping with tension headaches. Great purchase! -
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Nida P.
I must admit, I thought this was a complete scam but fell for the advertising. I was pleasantly surprised when this product actually did what it reported to do. I’m recommending this to my sister who has neck pain as well
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Samantha R.
I have only just purchased the Kenko Neck product and can already see a difference in my posture. I feel taller and notice my shoulders are further back.
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Apple M.
It has transformed how I feel, physically and confidence wise! I could not recommend this product more highly. I have tried other things over the years, chiropractors, osteopaths, pilates, acupuncture, but this has more effectively done the job than any of them. And I can take it with me if I travel
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Jack D.
I didn't think this could be the solution I was looking for but I was willing to give it a shot. The other options were the neck sling, which looks totally effective but something about hanging my head by the door urks me...and a vertical table, which I've used and LOVE but its extra af (meaning I don't have space for that crazy contraption maybe when I'm 50). Most importantly, I needed something portable.
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Robby A.
I love this neck rest. My neck and shoulders feel so much better now that I use this product. I just love it. So much stress is held in my neck and shoulders. Exercise seems to make it worse so I took a chance on this neck device and I am so glad that I did. I lay on the floor with it for about 5 mins a day. I sleep better too.
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Liz M.
It really helped relax my neck muscles and alleviated the pain that I have had to deal with having cervical disc disease. This will be my go-to pillow every evening for 30 minutes before going to bed. I highly recommend this and also bought one for my brother who also has cervical disc problems too.
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Keith C.
I've had neck issues with a spur for a number of years. It got to the point if I raised my head a certain way, I'd get severe pain radiating to the upper part of my chest. Using this for a few weeks has made all the difference in the world. I just use it for 10 minutes a day and it repositions the curve of the neck to the correct alignment.
undefined review of Neck Cloud image 1 out of 1
Jackie G.
This the perfect product for my neck Issues! I love it!